Part 14

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The bbq was in full swing, the sun was shining, and Tracey was having a blast with her good friends, Sam and Micky. They made Tracey a special breakfast with mimosas and then laid by the pool while the guests started trickling in. Her buddy, Steve, stopped by, and then Davy and Peter showed up, and other friends from The Troub. It was a bittersweet occasion, but everyone was happy for Tracey and her next adventure in life.

Mike joined the party right when Micky was about to toast to Tracey.

"I just want to say, parting is such sweet sorrow, especially when it comes to good friends. Tracey, I'm sure a lot of us here are sad you're leaving, again, but we all wish you the best as you set your sails on your next adventure, college, which many of us here fear to tread. I'm sure we will see your name in lights one day, but until then, farewell and safe travels, my good friend! Cheers to Tracey!"

Tracey walked up and gave Micky and Sam a big hug. Mike stood in shock, he had no idea she planned on going to school, yet alone, to leave LA.

"God, you guys act like I'm dying! I'm just going to be in Chicago! And you're coming to visit me, too!" she pointed at Sam.

"I know, I'm just sad I'm losing my friend again," Sam said, as tears flowed down her face.

Tracey and Sam hugged, and Sam looked over and saw Mike talking with Micky.

"You need to go talk to him. You know, it's not his fault it didn't work out between you two. It's just that maybe you two aren't meant to be for now," Sam said, wiping tears from her eyes. "I love you both, and I know you two will always love each other."

"Yeah, that's true. It's just sad, and it sucks. And seeing him brings back all of these feelings of regret, and then I look in his eyes and forget why I was mad. I don't hate him. I just can't be with him right now," Tracey said. Looking over at Mike, who was now looking over, and gave her a kind smile.

Tracey walked over to Mike.

"So, you're going to school, huh?" Mike said as he looked Tracey in the eyes and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm starting Northwestern in the Fall, going to study music and theater," she said.

"Well, look at you," Mike said. "Wow, just all you've been through, and I'm just.."

"You're just what?" Tracey asked.

"I'm just in awe of you." Mike said, shaking his head. "I mean you have always talked about going to college, and, I'm just really proud of you."

"Thanks, that means a lot," Tracey said smiling.

"Ohhhh Tracey!! This is your song!" Micky yelled as he ran over and started dancing with her to "Runaround Sue," twirling Tracey around and laughing.

Mike stood and watched his friends, and knew he needed to enjoy this time, because soon it had to be put behind him. He loved watching Tracey laugh and smile, like last Summer.

"Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" started playing, another one of Tracey's favorites, and Peter walked up and stole Tracey from Micky and started dancing with her as he gave her a drink.

"The sailor said Brandy, you're a fine girl, what a good wife you would be! But my life, my lover, my lady, is the sea," Peter sang to Tracey.

The song was sort of an anthem for Mike and Tracey at that point in time, and as Mike heard the lyrics, they rang true. In a way, they were both sailors, forging onto their own paths, living the lives they were meant to live, without each other.

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