Hi. I'm Jaek. Well, why would you care, I mean, this could all be a fibb, but what I say is true, and I am here for a warning sign for you. And please do not seek the man, no THING out, he loves attention and will lead you on, tempting you to venture far from civilization, and kills you.
How do I know this? I had a sister, she was the type to do what she wants and never listened. One night she told me about a man who would take all of the kids and skin them alive, she called him the Hideo man. I did not really believe her at the time, so I laughed it off.
That was 2 weeks ago, last night she went out to camp with friends, I begged her to stay, in fear she would be skinned or have limbs cut off. Yet of course, she would not listen.
She had been gone for only a few hours, when my phone rang up her number. Hello? I asked thru the small rectangular device. Nothing was heard, just some laughing, she must have butt dialed me, so I listened in on their conversation. They were talking about him, the Hideo man. Then, her friend thought of the brightest idea out there.
Lets go find him!! She cheered and the others agreed.
I shut the phone off as quickly as possible. She lies, he is not real, she just pranked me. I went to bed with these thoughts.
I woke up to shrill screams, so I ran down the stairs, only to be met with a horrific sight.My sister, skinned and missing a few limbs off her body.
Don't believe me? Try it yourselves. Don't worry, it'll only cost you your life.

Hideo Man
Horrorspooky scary stories>:3 this is my 1st scary story so I'll try my best