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   "Coach, why are you calling me out? Those were good plays,-"

   "Mike, you need to head to the hospital, now." The coach replied, causing Mike to become confused.

   "About that hit, I am fine." Mike shook his head quickly causing the coach to let out a gentle sigh.

   "No, it's Carrie. She was in a wreak." He didn't have to say another word. Mike took off his helmet, rushing towards the locker room. His coaches words repeated in his head as he changed out of his gear and throwing on a t-shirt and his jeans. It felt like he couldn't breath. Something had happened to his wife, something that was far worse than he ever could have thought.

   "My, my wife, Carrie Underwood- Fisher, she,-"

   "Sir, she is in surgery now. The doctor will be out in a few minutes to talk to you." The RN at the front desk informed him, causing him to nod gently as he walked over to the waiting room. He didn't know what to do. Waiting, waiting was the hardest thing. Before the doctor walked into the waiting room he had already called his in-laws and his parents, Mark, Ivey, Melissa, all of their closest friends to tell them what was happening, what had happened, even though he didn't know much.

   "Mike Fisher?" He raised his head the second he heard his name. "Yes, I am Dr. Miller. Your wife was in a very serious car accident. She has some brain damage but we are not sure yet how bad it is. She has a few bad abrasions but nothing too serious. The airbag didn't deploy, she hit her head on the steering wheel." Mike was running his hands through his hair as the doctor spoke, him unsure of what to say, what to think.

   "Brain damage,-"

   "Yes, sir. We just got done with surgery but when she wakes up is when we will find out how bad everything is. I am afraid that she will have Anterograde Amnesia,-"

   "How much, how much isn't she going to remember?" He cut off the doctor, him shaking his head in response.

   "Three, could be more sir." Dr. Miller let out a gentle sigh.

   "Can I see her?" Mike huffed, shaking his head as he felt tears forming in his eyes.

   "Yes, I will show you to her room. Do you have any questions?" He said, stopping at room number 12 in the ICU, Mike shaking his head once he noticed.

   "No, I just want to see my wife." Mike said before entering the hospital room. "Why, why does she have all those, why are there tubes in her nose?" Mike stuttered, breathing heavily.

   "It's oxygen, just to assist with her breathing. She should be waking up within the next few hours." Dr. Miller answered before exiting the room.

    Mike pulled one of the chairs in the room beside the bed. He held both of her hands carefully as tears fell down his face, resting his head on her legs. He couldn't believe that once she woke up, once she opened those beautiful hazel eyes, she might not remember anything of him. There was no way for him to process that his wife could no longer mentally be his wife anymore.

   "Mike," Ivey knocked on the door quietly, shocked once she saw her best friend lying in the hospital bed unconscious. Hearing Mike's sniffles made her heart hurt even more if possible. "Is she going to be okay?" The woman worriedly asked, licking her lips as she took a seat beside Mike, him not raising his head.

   "She will have Amnesia." Mike replied, causing Ivey to let out a sigh. "She might not remember me." He added, squeezing his wife's hand gently.

   Several people came to the hospital. Ivey, Mark, Melissa, Amy, more people than Mike could count. Mike didn't move. He stayed beside her, holding her hand and resting his head on her legs still. All he wanted was for her to wake up and hug and kiss him and more than anything remember  him.

   "Mike," the second that he heard his mother'a voice he stood from the chair. Mike wrapped his arms around her petite frame, hugging her tighter than ever. "Oh, honey." She sighed on his shoulder, rubbing his back as she looked at Carrie asleep.

"Mom, what if she doesn't remember me?" He spoke his first words in three hours.

   So so so excited for this story!!! Comment your thoughts please and don't forget to vote❤️❤️

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