Usually people are described as either one way or the other. There could be a third option but usually it's just the two types. Each type can be described as something different but they all tie together in the end. People who entertain, People who observe. People who fight, people who run. Those stuck in the dirt, those stuck with their heads in the clouds. Each of these different types can be put together. Optimists, pessimists, they are all people in the end. Whether you want to be classified differently or whether you don't. It's not up to either way. The author of this story. The reader of it. The characters in t. They're all the same.
They're all humans. We are all made of the basic materials to make up a human. Whether you're big or small, short or tall, smart or otherwise. We are all fucking humans. Even me. So when I want to be different I remind myself. I'm either in the clouds or the dirt. I'm either observing or entertaining. Living or dying. They're all the same anyways. If we live to die then why can't we die to live.
Thrill seekers are hard to understand to me. They're people who are dying to live. Risking life to be something more. Today I saw a video of someone walking on the edges of buildings. High up in the sky. At first I thought the basic "I want to try that." And then I realized I'm not dying to live. I'm living to die. And if we are all living to die and dying to live then why are we born to live but die anyway so only born to die.
Life is supposed to be a gift but the only time I think that is when I'm sitting in a church listening to a preaching father tell me that it is. So is the preacher right or are the fundamentals? Life was given to me but I didn't ask for it. That doesn't mean it's not going to happen. So when I ask why something is happening to me I really mean my whole life has lead up to this moment and it didn't turn out how I wanted but if I didn't even want to be born what makes me think I'm born to live when really I'm just rotting away. Living in a house doesn't mean I'm living it just means I'm existing. I'm existing the same way the stained coffee table with memories on it is. Sure it has a purpose but that doesn't mean some other coffee table can't replace it when the stains aren't just memories anymore.
Now add yourself to that in replacement of that coffee table. Sure you have a purpose but that doesn't mean some other person can't replace you when your stains aren't just memories anymore.
Sure people may have loved that coffee table and they might miss it because the next coffee table won't be the same but it'll still fulfill its purpose.
Sure people may have loved you and they might miss you because the next person won't be the same but they'll still fulfill their purpose.
Weird, right? It's like we're all coffee tables that haven't quite fulfilled their purposes yet. Don't worry you'll be done soon enough, I'm sure there's a child being born at this very moment who's going to be just like you.
Oh, wait. Crap I forgot, were all unique individuals right? So even if I'm listening to a Twenty One Pilots song thinking I'm unique because I know every single word to kitchen sink I'm not because there's someone else out there who knows it just as well as me. Or if I'm a white girl with bleach blonde hair who's trying so hard to be the perfect and sometimes you'll even fall for it.
But if you look up the definition of perfect in the urban dictionary it will say you with a smile. But if you look it up in the dictionary it will say having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
So to be perfect is to be good. And if you're not perfect then what are you? Imperfect. And if you look up imperfect in the urban dictionary it will give you some bullshit about how being imperfect is to be perfect but if you look it up in a dictionary it will say not perfect; faulty or incomplete.

RandomThoughts and opinions. Doesn't need a description because it's pretty much every other basic thought any sane person thinks.