(On the phone)
"Welcome to Sugar Fix. There's nothing a little sugar can't fix. Can I help you?"
"Hey Arden."
"I'm flattered you recognise my voice."
"It's been nearly a week. I thought you were dead in a ditch or something."
"It's been busy I guess. School and stuff."
"Any reason you called? Or do you just like the sound of my voice?"
"Is Zac good at Mario Kart?"
"What kind of a question is that?"
"An important one."
"... I don't believe he's ever played before."
"Wait. You're kidding right?"
"Not everyone's as nerdy as you Isaac."
"Well I'm thoroughly astonished. You should bring him over to my place too. We'll show him the world of remorseless, friendship-destroying video games."
"I don't think he would be interested."
"What makes you say that?"
"... I... I haven't exactly told him about you."
"What do you mean? We've nearly known each other a month!"
"It hasn't come up in conversation I guess."
"And what exactly do you converse about? Has he even seen StarWars?"
"Well no... but-"
"He sounds pretty cultured if you ask me.
"Hey, don't call me up to pick apart my boyfriend! He has his own interests and I have mine. We get along just fine, okay?"
"... Are you embarrassed to tell people about me or something? Am I really that weird to you?"
"No! Of course not! I'm the one with the light up shoes remember?"
"What's the big deal then. Why am I some kind of secret?"
"Look, I just... I just didn't think to tell him, you know? My work life is usually separate-"
"Oh, so I'm just another customer then? A really annoying customer that calls you when your shifts get boring and pays you double for 'shipping and handling'. Am I even your friend Arden, or just another consumer to pay your wages?"
"That's not what I meant Isaac! You are not just another customer to me! Why do you think I delivered and entire bloody cake to you house with an hour's notice despite the fact we never do deliveries? Why do you think I used my own car and paid for my own petrol to get to your brother's graduation? Because I care! I care about you Isaac! You are more than a customer, in fact, your probably my closest friend right now."
"I'm sorry, I need to go."
"Don't you dare-"

Sugar Fix | discontinued
Teen Fiction"Hello this is Sugar Fix, there's nothing a little sugar can't fix! How may I -" "Yeah hi. This is kind of an emergency." "Sorry sir, I think you may have the wrong number..." "No I can assure you this is a cake related emergency, I need your help...