My black flats clacked against the gray linoleum. It's been six years since that incident with the cabin. Six long, painful years with no Paul Broker to keep me company.
I follow the guard towards a room in The United States Penitentiary Administration Maximum Facility (ADX) in Fremont County, Colorado.
The prison is only for male inmates who committed the worst of the crimes: multiple murders (premeditated), rapist who are murderers, terrorists, drug leaders, etc. The ADX building is a low story made of dark red brick with a steel-white roofing; it's located in the mountains (in the middle of no-freaking-where) and holds 927 inmates (not that large compared to the overcrowded prisons spaced out around the U.S.).
A 12 foot-tall Barbed wire fence, with actual watch towers guard the perimeters. Guards walked around armed with guns, wearing serious don't-fuck-with-me facial expressions, walking a tight, controlled walk.
There are cameras and motion detectors everywhere. I can feel their eyes watching my every move, just daring me to try anything. I try not to cringe and look away from the cameras quickly, hastening my steps.
Technically, there is no visiting center in this prison. No loved ones are allowed to see husbands, sons, uncles, no one. Each message from the outside world is delivered by correction officers. I shuddered, thinking of Paul alone in his 7ft by 12ft cell made of concrete, with only a hard bed, toilet, four inch window, stool and desk to keep him company.
The only reason that I'm actually here is thanks to Dad. He has people in some very high places, and I also told him how he owed me one for saving those government files.
I still remembered the long talk that I had with my father. He spilled everything: how he got the files and why. His friend, Tex Walker, worked as a top secret scientist in an underground facility (like with Area 51) and was afraid some spies were after his work. So, instead of destroying the evidence or making copies, he did the stupidest thing he could possibly do: He asked my father to bury the evidence, bury it anywhere. The spies never would have been after Dad because Tex Walker was known as a loner. Yet, somehow the Broker Brothers found out or maybe Dad spilled the information while having a beer with his friends. Either way, I'll never know how the government files got lost. Dad stated that he owed aged a favor, he told me that he was loaned quite a bit of money from him so him and my mom could buy their first house and Dad could find a stable job. When I asked him why he never told me about his "friend", he just said he completely forgot. How could someone forget they had government files is beyond me. And look where that got him.
I shook my head to get rid of those memories and caught up to the guard who looked behind him with a disapproving look etched on his face. Everyone knew who I was here to see, even the prisoners.
Paul shouldn't be here, he's too good, too nice to be locked up with the worst of the worst. He should be outside enjoying what the world has to offer with me. We could have done so much things together if he never got unjustly arrested (buying an apartment, getting jobs, cooking dinner, going on dates, get married). But no, none of that happened. I don't know if it will ever be possible for Paul to ever escape these four walls but I pray that he will. I just have to try hard enough, plead for a bail, try to convince anyone that it wasn't his fault.
"This way, miss. And please don't look at or speak to anyone." The guard said firmly over his shoulder. Every Time I came here, they always said that. And I always can't help myself: I break the rule. I desperately need to see what Paul's been living like for the past six years. Although, I feel like I know every inch of this place by now. I wrap my dark navy coat around my light blue blouse and dark pants tighter, shivering. It's so cold in here. How could anyone stand it?

Something Darker
HorrorWhen Samantha 'Sam' Greene goes hiking in Mount Lincoln, Colorado with her best friend Daniel 'Danny' Smith, she doesn't expect anything much: hiking, some talking of college classes, but really just spending quality time with her friend. However...