Dan asked me to go on a date with him tonight. Tyler is going to stay with Emma. I'm really nervous about leaving her with him but my mom said she would stay with them to make sure nothing happens. I know Tyler is getting better but I still dont trust him completely yet. He could always say that he is getting better when really he isn't. Dan is going to be here in a few hours so I decided to get ready. I put on a pale pink skirt and a bit brighter pink top. I grabbed my tan sandals and put them on. I curled my hair and put half of it up in a pony tail. I walked down stairs. Dan should be here any minute.
"You look prwetty momma." Emma said.
"Thank you baby girl." I said.
I looked up at Tyler. He was looking over my outfit.
"You look very nice. He's a lucky guy." He said.
"Thanks." I said.
I walked into the kitchen to find my mom. She looked up at me.
"Aw sweetheart you look so beautiful." She said.
"Thanks mom." I said.
It was only a few minutes until there was a knock on the door. I heard someone open the door. I got my purse and walked back out to the living room. I hugged emma.
"You be good Ok. Grandma will make sure you get to bed and have your story." I said.
"Will she tell me the special one?" She asked.
"If you ask nicely I'm sure she will." I said.
"Ok." She said.
"I will see you later baby girl. I love you." I said.
"Love you to mommy." She said.
She gave me another hug. I got up and walked with Dan out to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. He closed the door and walked to the driver side. He started driving away from the house.
"So where are we going?" I asked.
"We are going some place that is peaceful. My mom found it a few years ago when she went on a run. I go there when I want to think." He said.
"So why did you pick there for tonight?" I asked.
"I thought it would be something that you would like. Trust me when you see it you will love it." He said.
"Can you see the stars from there?" I asked.
"Yes. They look very beautiful from there to." He said.
I nodded my head. It sounded like it was a very beautiful place. I watched out the window as we drove down the road. When the car stopped we were at a parking lot.
"Sorry but we have to walk from here." Dan said.
"Is it worth the walk?" I asked.
"It is definitely worth the walk." He said.
"Ok. Let's start walking." I said.
We walked until we reached a cliff. It was way off of the trail but I didnt mind. I looked out and could see so many stars.
"Wow. It's so beautiful." I said.
"Yeah it is." He said.
I looked over at him and saw him staring at me. I couldn't help but smile. I always seemed to smile when he was around. He seemed to know what I liked and how to make me happy. I was never like that with Tyler. Tyler always had to work really hard just to have me give him a fake smile. I always felt afraid with him but with Dan I feel safe and protected.

Secrets and shadows
RomanceIm a good girl with a baby. He is a bad boy that everyone thinks is heartless. What will happen with the two of us