Ashton swings the door open, revealing a beautiful, amazingly, huge house.Ashton walks in, and I slowly trial behind him, gawking at the beauty of the house.
Ashton has a look of pure confusion on his face, as he looks around the house.
"Everything ok?" I ask him. He slowly turns around, running his slim fingers through his long, unruly hair.
"Yea, but everyone else is supposed to be here, I have no clue as to where they are." He mumbles, and after the last word leaves his mouth, he sighs and shrugs.
"Oh well, I'll show you to your room. Follow me." He starts walking to the huge staircase, centered in the middle of the house.
He seemed pretty upset that they weren't here, but I couldn't be anymore happier. They didn't have to look at my disgusting, hideous, body.
I didn't mind not having the extra eyes on me, the thought of it alone sends shivers throughout my whole body.
"Here we are!" Ashton cheers, pulling my out of my thoughts. I blink rapidly, and force a smile onto my face.
He pushed the door open, and my eyes instantly widened.
It was a large, gray room. All the furniture was white, which consisted of: A white vanity in the corner, two side tables next to the large queen sized bed, with fluffy white sheets, and lots of pillows, as well as a window seat, with long white curtains, and lots of colorful fluffy pillows. There was also a tv resting on the wall across from the bed, with an amazing white dresser underneath.
There was also a full length mirror, resting in the corner of the room, as well as a huge closet, and a door to the left as soon as you walk in, which I'm assuming is a bathroom. The last touch was my favorite, fairy lights were hung around the room, making me smile.
"Sorry it's a bit plain right now," Ashton chuckles. "We can take you shopping to make it a bit more personal later." He smiled, showing off his dimples.
"It's perfect." I smile, a genuine on this time. I ran over to the bed, and jumped into it. Sighing as my back hit the softness of the bed, and the fluffy blankets.
"Alrighty, do you need help unpacking?" He asks as he gently sets my bags at the foot of the bed.
"No, I'm ok. Thanks though." I say as I sit up, he nods his head and makes his way back to the door.
"Ok then, I'll be downstairs in the living room, come down when your done." He says before closing the door.
I get up from the bed, and walk over to the closet, hanging up the clothes that can be hung up, and putting everything else into drawers. I take some of my mothers jewelry, and set them on the dresser. I also pull out my notebook, and set it in the drawer of my nightstand, as well as a few other essentials.
I slip my suitcases under the bed, and stand back up, dusting my hands off. A sigh of content leaves my lips, as I open my door. I walk down the steps, and try to figure out where the living room was.
I wander around for a few minutes, before I hear Ashton's voice talking. I furrow my brows, wondering who he's taking to. Then I hear another deep, male voice, and my body freezes.
Oh no. Another pair of eyes, burning into me. Nerves fill my whole body, and I contemplate running back upstairs, and staying up there for the rest of the night. But I decide against it, I don't want Ashton thinking I'm a problem.
I take in a long shaky breath, before walking into the room. All talking stops, and I'm left staring back at four pairs of eyes, only one of which I'm familiar with.
"There she is!" Ashton shouts, while standing up and walking to me. When he reaches me, he throws a long arm around my shoulder.
"Guys this is Zayden!" He exclaims way to cheerily. Causing a nervous smile to form on my face.
"Zayden, these are my best friends. That's Luke," He points to a man with shaggy, light brown hair, piercing blue eyes. "That's Calum," He pointed to a tanned, dark haired guy, with a few tattoos decorating his arms. "And last but not least, is Michael." He says pointing to a guy with blond hair, also with a few tattoos decorating his body.
I give a small, shy wave, pushing myself against Ashton more, trying to hide myself. "Aww don't be shy, girly. We don't bite." Says the one I remember being Luke.
I step away from Ashton, and tuck my hair behind my face. "Your really pretty Zayden, has anyone told you that?" I'm assuming Calum, asks. I shake my head, and he smiles. "Well then, I'm telling you now."
This causes a smile to form on my face. "Thanks." I mumble, twiddling my fingers.
"No problem," He responds, smiling.
"You settling in ok so far?" Michael asked, and I answer his question with a simple nod.
"Ash can you order pizza? I'm craving a slice of the cheesy goodness." He says while showing a goofy smile.
"Yea, yea. I'll order pizza. Zayden you can hang out here with the boys, or you can go back to your room." Ashton says, walking out of the room.
I sit on the couch, and sit cross-cross. The boys seem nice so far, and Ashton defiantly is a sweetheart.
I think I'm going to like it here.

Am I Pretty Yet?
FanfictionZayden starves herself. She wants to be pretty. One of her only questions is: Is she pretty yet?