Chapter 32 - The Guilt Of Choosing

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il's POV

I held my head, sitting up.

All the Recruits were gone...for now.

el...are you really my sister?

...YeS....  FaThEr HaD kIlLeD mE sOmE tImE aGo, AnD I rEtUrNeD aS a DeMoN.  A...bLoOdThIrStY oNe.  I sOuGhT yOu OuT, bUt I cAmE aT a RaThEr UnFoRtUnAtE tImE....

Me getting to the bacca village and getting mad at Jeremy....

YeAh....  ThE cOmBiNaTiOn Of WaNtInG tO pRoTeCt My SiStEr AnD tHe BlOoDtHiRsT dIdN't HeLp YoUr SiTuAtIoN....  I wAs A bIt MoRe SaNe WiTh ThE kIt InCiDeNt, BuT iT wAsN't UnTiL aFtErWaRdS tHaT I wAs AbLe To CoNqUeR tHe BlOoDtHiRsT.

I sighed.  Let's not dwell on the past.  For now, I need to go get...3 of my friends....  I'm...still trying to debate about the other 3....


I flexed my wings and took off, heading towards the translucent nether star in the sky.

The Star sector of the Budder Kingdom.

That's where 2 of my three friends were at.  The other's in the sector with the translucent tome book.

The Spell sector.

I bit my lip as I landed in front of the house with the first friend.

2 Recruits were standing in front of the door, blocking it.

They looked to me with an amused face.  "Wow, really?  You want to get the useless one of the group first?"

I growled, but el spoke out.  "GeT tHe NeThEr OuT oF tHe WaY bEfOrE I mAkE yOu."

They only smirked and stepped to the side.

I pushed the door open to see my friend in a corner with people pointing swords at her, keeping her there.  Her bag and bow were in the opposite corner.

"Ok, people, move it before I release a demon on you."

The Recruits glared at me but moved out of the way.

I ran up to Object.  "Object, come on, let's get you out of here."

She sighed but said nothing, standing and grabbing her stuff before walking out the door.

I winced, knowing she heard what the Recruits outside had said.

I wanted to comfort her, but right now, I was on a time limit.

I squeezed Object's shoulder slightly after I left the house, glaring at the Recruits once more.  "Object, you are NOT useless.  Unfortunately, I don't have time to speak.  Head to the entrance of the Budder Castle.  I'll send others your way, ok?"

She smiled slightly and nodded.

I smiled in return and took off, flying a little ways until reaching the next house.

The Recruits were there to "greet" me once again.  "Now really, il?  You have poor choosing skills.  First, the useless, and now, the traitor?  You really just want to los----"

I lost feeling in my right arm and wing as el summoned a fireball.  "I fReAkInG dArE yOu, Or ANY oThEr ReCrUiT, tO qUeStIoN il'S cHoIcEs Or TaUnT hEr AgAiN.  Do It.  SeE wHaT hApPeNs."

The Recruits hesitated before moving to the sides, allowing us in.

Once again, my friend was in a corner, surrounded by Recruits with swords, her items, minus the Phantom Rejector, thankfully, in the opposite corner.

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