Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 - The Witch

I stuff yet another powdered doughnut in my mouth and sigh

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I stuff yet another powdered doughnut in my mouth and sigh.

It's been about two hours and we're still stuck inside this fancy little box with no way out. Now we're just waiting for someone to come in or for someone to take one of us out.

"How are they going to come in do they pop up in here or?" Gigi says, smacking on here bubble gum.

"Yup," A women's voice from the corner of the room says making us all stand up to face her.

Gigi is first to run towards her at full force, only to be bounce back like there was an invisible wall blocking her way. She sits up from the ground, rubbing her forehead.

"Why would I just come in here without protection? I put a protection spell on myself and James," She says, with sinister smile present on her face.

I can't help but notice she's stunningly, beautiful. Her long black hair, sharp features, one golden hazel eye and one gray eye, her tan skin, and her tall skinny figure. She's way more attractive than me on any day.

"Why are you working with someone like James. Witches are old and wise. You should know better," Conner asks with genuine curiosity.

She looks to me, "I have my reasons, and I'm pretty young for a witch I'm only eighty-three but of course I only look twenty-three." She explains in a bragging manner before walking closer to us.

"Did you put a spell on my brother is that why he's working with you guys?" I ask, my voice sounds full of hope that he isn't purposely apart of this.

"I've never even met your brother I only know he's helping James," She replies in a bored tone.

I can't help but pout and clench my fist tight to the point where blood could be drawn. He's actually helping them. Why would he do something like this? I'm his sister.

"Awe it's ok, sweetheart. I'm sure he has his reasons as well," She says, mimicking the pout I have on my face.

My face goes blank as I stare at her. What does she have against me?

"If any of you were wondering my name is Victoria, and I'll be your guide for today," The woman, Victoria, suddenly barks at us.

From nowhere four muscular, huge men appear causing me to jump back.

They come straight towards us, one of them puts a strong grip on my arm. I fight against him and squirm uncontrollably and from what I can hear from Conner and Gigi, they are too.

"No!" I scream at the man. I release my canines and bite his cold arm as hard I can. It heals. Fúck, he's a vampire.

"Fucking bitch," He growls, spit covers my face and I soon feel a sharp prick on my neck and everything becomes blurry and I'm out.


"Why the hell are we just sitting by a lake," Desmond asks for the third time while Matthew and I just wait patiently.

Honestly, I'd rather have my eight hours be up than to spend my time with Desmond. Matthew starts to talk to him as I began thinking.

'Where are thou my precious Abel?' I call out, unblocking him from speaking.

'Oh so you've finally decided to unblock me?' He questions in his serious voice.

'Blah blah blah. Let's skip the part where we get into like a thirty minute argument and to the part where I say I need your help.' I reply in a blunt voice.

He sighs,'With what?'

'A certain somebody is coming and only you can handle them,' I say, a smirk present on my face. Too bad he can't see it.

'Ok, what makes you think I'm letting you have control again when I'm out?'

'Because you need me,' I reply. It's as simple as that. Aiden and Abel both know I will get the job done.

I hear a loud growl ring in my ears. I chuckle, looks like the big bad wolf is mad, 'Fine.' He groans out and my smirk gets wider.

He's in for a big surprise.

I simply just relax my body and mind with a deep breath and pass the 'mind controller' down to Abel.

Abel's Pov

I sigh, I turn my head to left to see Matthew cuddled up to Charlie while talking to Desmond on my right.

Why am I here?

"Did he say why we're here?" I question, looking straight at the lake in front of me.

"Oh Goddess, who is it now? Abel? Aiden?" Desmond mutters.

"It's me, Abel," I reply, standing up to check our surroundings.

Why would he call me to come out in front some lake in the middle of the forest? I've never even been here before.

"Ok, well Elliot said he had to meet some friend of his," Matthew answers my question and my eyebrows furrow.

Huh? Eli's friends? Why would he pull me out to talk to HIS friends? We need to be looking for Megan instead.

I hear a loud gasp, interrupting my thoughts, I turn around to see her.


"Baby? You're back!" She yells, running towards me at full speed. She plunges to my chest causing me to step back a little. Soon I feel her legs wrap around my waist and her arms around my neck.

"Vic?" I question, in complete shock, she's here.

"Yes, it's me, Ab," She smiles at me and I shake my head.

No, she can't be here. We ended this relationship a long time ago. I peel her off of me, and place her on the ground and her face coverts from happiness to confusion.

"Victoria, please don't tell me you had something to do with my mate going missing." I say, hopeful. I truly don't want to hurt her.

She smiles her big smile that I used to love so much, "Baby, I had to do something. I'm not just going to let some whore take what was mine first."

"She's my mate! I told you a long time ago that we had to end our relationship because I wanted to find my mate. Why are you doing this now?" I snap, at her but the smile just stays on her face.

"Oh please stop lying by saying you want her. What we had was special, I missed you." She replies, standing up from the ground. She's delirious.

"How'd you even know I was in this body now?" I question.

"I've been looking out for you for years and I think now is our time to be together. Don't you think, my love?" She answers, with another smile that I used to think was so gorgeous.

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