Clothes Shopping Date

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Sitting around the house and doing the housework were Misaki's main plans for today since he had the time off. Usagi had other plans, though. Wrapping his arms around Misaki from behind, Usagi begun to speak into Misaki's ear. "How about we go clothing shopping today?" He asked. Misaki sort of turned around in the tight grasp he had been locked in and stared blankly at him. It didn't sound like something Usagi would suggest. He knew he was most likely up to no good, but also knew he couldn't do anything about it. Misaki struggled out of Usagi's arms. "Okay then I guess..." He replied, still feeling a little confused.

Usagi drove himself and Misaki into the city in his fancy red car which Misaki somewhat despised. It always made people suspicious to who Misaki was and completely ruined his chance of a good social life.

The drive there was only around 10 minutes long and they were finally there. Misaki began looking around, searching for the perfect shop when he suddenly spotted a jumper in the window that would most likely look perfect on Usagi. He got Usagi's attention and pointed towards the shop, keeping the jumper a secret for now.

They both stepped in. The clothing there was pretty expensive. Misaki was in a bit of regret due to the small salary he received monthly. They wandered around for quite a while, anyways, until Misaki finally found the jumper he had seen in the window. To his luck, it also had a good percentage off so he could afford it. Misaki picked it up in the right size as Usagi came back with an extremely cute striped shirt in his hands. Blushing, Misaki had hidden what he picked up behind his back. Usagi smiled sweetly and tousled Misaki's soft brown hair. They both went to the counter, handing the people behind the till their money. They both turned around, about to exit out the store when Usagi spotted two people he knew.

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