The Accident Outside

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Once we got home, I ate lunch and watched T.V. for an hour before heading outside and going down to the one-horse-stable we had. I had a pure-bred Dutch Warmblood, she was light grey and named Dapple. Sometimes I nicknamed her Apple.

I leant against the wooden post as she sniffed around me for apples, giving up, she went back to grazing the soft grass. I grabbed the tack (saddle, bridle, etc) and started tacking her up, once I was done, I mounted her and rode around outside.

I suddenly had the strong urge to pee.

I ignored it though because I had just gotten on.

I was taking Dapple around the small equestrian course we had set up in our yard that consisted of four jumps, two poles and two barrels. We came up to the first jump and made it over, but the jolting of the landing hurt my bladder, making me wince. We came to the second jump, and this time, when I landed my bladder lost control.

Warm pee flowed out as I just sat there, shocked.

Dapple, without anyone urging her on, came to a stop.

I peed for about one minute, completely soaking my pants and the saddle, even dripping onto Dapple. I then turned Dapple around and rode her back to the stable, dismounting and just standing there.

My mom must've seen me from the kitchen and come down to see what was wrong, because I turned at the sound of footsteps.

"Kyle, what-"

Then she noticed it.

The dark stain.

It was impossible not to notice it.

It covered my whole front and back.

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