"OH?! park jinyoung as in class president jinyoung?" sunmi gasped as the two ladies gossiped about their past few weeks.
"yeah, even im jaebum!" eunha was a very expressive talker and told sunmi her story. "the cuffs we had on had some kind of time lock on it as well, they would only get off an on, on a span of 11 minutes."
"that's crazy," sunmi nodded and let it all sink in. "hey, do you have his number?"
"who? jaebum?" eunha pulled out her phone.
"no, no. the actual cutie in this situation, jinyoung," it had turn out eunha's beloved go sunmi had a taste for ex class president.
"no way," eunha covered her mouth with a big smile. "you mean, mr. heir that laughs with no emotion and his hand like this?" she imitated jinyoung as sunmi laughed.
"oh come on, everyone know he's cute. he's just recently.. gotten something else besides cute," she nudged over to eunha.
"don't tell me you've always had a little crush on him since highschool."
"who didn't?" sunmi was keeping things real as she popped her knuckles.
"weren't you two like, best friends? why don't you have his number already?" eunha was a bit confused.
"he changed his number awhile ago and i havent seen him in years," sunmi rolled her eyes at the thought of it. "so. you and him. how's im jaebum for you then? have his number? gone on any dates?" she was all up into eunha's face about her friend's love life.
"i-i don't think i actually have his number," eunha looked through her contacts.
"you're telling me you don't have the number of the man you were cuffed to for a whole week?" she sat back. into the car seat.
"ugh, just let me drive your car without crashing us," eunha parked and got out the car. "besides, if i'm cuffed to him then what's the point on using a phone to contact him?" she looked over sunmi's side, only to see jaebum walking with jinyoung.
"well would you look at that, speak of the devil," sunmi pointed out the two.
"we should hide," eunha grabbed sunmi's arms and scuttered away, at least; tried to.
"tsk tsk. bad move, you know you're one of the weakest people i know?" the tables turned against eunha as sunmi dragged eunha to the two.
"oh? eunha?" jaebum was surprised, almost startled seeing her.
"go sunmi?" jinyoung stared at the two, more specifically, sunmi.
"hm, yes. where were you two going?" sunmi took charge of the conversation.
"home. mr. important here was drinking out again," jaebum looked over to jinyoung as he was just kicking a rock he found.
"why are you two always drinking?" eunha scanned the two, worried. every time she's seen them, they were either about to drink or were already drunk. something that she didn't really expect from them.
"this time i didn't, i'm only letting him drink till the end of this week because he's going through some crap," jaebum fixated his gaze at eunha. she couldn't take the intensity and looked to sunmi.
"i mean, why not grab some sushi with us?" sunmi clapped her hand at the brilliant idea she had.
"what?" eunha looked over to her confused. this was supposed to be their night out, a girls night out.
"kind of like a high school reunion plan, double da- i mean, you know," sunmi took jaebum's hands as well and pointed at the sushi bar they just passed by, "it'll be fun. i promise."
|| 7:30 pm: food. seafood.
"woah. this definitely exceeded my expectations," sunmi and the others were all situated on a booth. it seemed that everyone got along besides the fact eunha had somehow gone mute.
"wah. she's perfectly imitating mark," jinyoung pointed out her behavior first and how quiet she was.
"oh come on, i'm just trying to eat," she was surprisingly cautious about how she looked when she ate.
"look at jaebum over here, he's almost gone through a whole roll." sunmi pointed her chopsticks over to jaebum who had basically turned into a human kirby and inhaled his food.
"one day you're going to choke if you keep eating fast," jinyoung's hidden instinct came in and started sounding like a mom again.
"jinyoung i do hope you realize i'm still your hyung," jaebum mumbled, setting his chopsticks down. "i'm just taking advantage of my fast metabolism before it starts slowing."
the four all had a easy going dinner for the rest of the time. sunmi being the social butterfly she always was hit it off with everyone she met. as they made their way out they looked at the water fountain that was spewing out water. it was dark out and the water set out a brilliant display of vibrant colors in some kind of rhythmic pattern.
"jaebum and eunha, i dare you to run across and not get wet," sunmi smiled, she had somewhat of a plan.
"oh come on, what are you, a middle schooler?" eunha laughed at the random idea.
jinyoung caught on fast and agreed with sunmi. "no i think it'll be fun. sunmi and i will give it a shot after you two. it shouldn't be hard, right jaebum?"
jaebum opened his mouth about to object until jinyoung said that last sentence. jinyoung knew how to play with jaebum's ego at times like this and this was precisely why jinyoung was a terrific businessman.
"deal," jaebum took eunha's hands and immediately started running across.
"w-wait!" eunha who unfortunately was not prepared for this sudden turn of events was screaming across the area. it was all in the clear until water started following up behind them; and unfortunately for then, the water was catching up.
so, both eunha and jaebum were screaming as they ran across as casually pulled out his phone, recording the whole thing. "this is golden."
jaebum and eunha? they weren't fast enough and was caught by the water. their clothes wet but not drenched. but jaebum's hair oddly very wet though. they both sat on the grass looking at the fountain, exhausted and signaled the other two.
sunmi took jinyoung's hands this time, both looking very determined with their pride on the line.
they took one step, another step, and soaked.
two steps is all they got in. jinyoung hard carried the two as they also, screamed their way across like maniacs. as the two made their way to eunha, she let out a little comment. "easier said than done?"
"pbssbtt. whatever," sunmi laughed. she looked over to jinyoung as well and nodded. their little plan to break the ice between jaebum and eunha worked.