Juvia gave up when she saw her love with her best friend and she changed a lot because of her lost love.
Time should heal me right? or so she thought.
She leaves and comes back a different person.
Gray wanted to get her back but maybe its too late...
Yeah tomorrow we can go around town and catch up,what do you say??
Sure,I'll love that
Okay then I'll pick you up at 6
Okay ill see you at 6
Okay bye
Bye 😁
At Juvia's house
It was about time Gray asked you to a date
Yes,Lucy is right he finally had the courage to ask you
Yes Erza but what if something happend,he can regret having a date with me and i might never be his girlfriend
Don't freak out Juvia ge wont regret it
Yeah especially when you are going to dress so cute he won't regret being in that date with you
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Erza i dont think thats a good idea
Why not ??
Its showing too much skin dont you think?
Oh but Juvia will look good for Gray
Look Erza one thing i learned of all of this is that im going to dress for me not Gray okay?, im done with that and im putting this dress on. She saud looking at the dress
That's way too simple Juvia
Oh come on Erza is good for her and if Gray likes her he's going to like her with whatever dress she wears
I guess you're right Lucy
Yup i am
6:00 pm
Okay Gray should be arriving anytime now
That should be Gray
Erza opens door
Hey Gray
Oh hey Erza is Juvia ready?. he asked scratching the back of his neck