Zahra- Scarred (chapt 2)

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Chapter 2

You'd think a girl like me with two parents who are wealthy would look wealthy, come across as a wealthy person but no. I was like a tramp. I didn't look like one but my bruises did their best to make me look horrible. I had one scar on my neck that I hated to look at. It was a big reminder of how bad my dad could get if I tried to disobey him and say no. Since that day when ever my mum went out, I tried my hardest to leave the house with her.

Dad-you awake?" he said smiling. I nodded with a smile.

Dad-alright, well chop chop, let's not be late for school" he said with a happy tone

Me-alright dad" he smiled and then left.

I got up sick with myself due to last time. Just like nearly every night, me and my dad had sex.

Every time he raped me or hit me an inch of my confidence will go. I was losing who I was.

At the start of secondary school, everyone was even. There was no one popular and there were no losers. There were people who were more known and liked but we were still all even.

I was pretty known, I was one of the pretty ones until my 12 birthday came.

I had a big birthday party and had invited my year and some of my family, everyone came, it was one of the greatest days of my life, everyone dancing enjoying themselves. Good food, and having a lot of fun. My dad organised it all and I couldn't have been more grateful. This made me one of the well known ones, so how can I not be grateful.

My dad told me he had a big surprise when he got home, I was excited over the moon to think he organised the party and also had a big surprise at home, who knew this surprise would change my life....

Omg omg omg, I ran upstairs excited. My dad had me waiting in the front room saying he was preparing my present. He had just called me up to tell me it was ready. My mum and the rest of my family was still out cleaning the hall after my birthday party.

I burst into my room to see it the same as before. He had on a towel, maybe he just came out of the shower.

Me-oh your not ready yet?

Him-come" I then walked over and stood infront of him. His towel looked abit out of shape.

Him-now close your eyes" I closed my eyes waiting.

I felt a sudden breeze on my leg. He then got my hand and placed it on something long and hard, it was abit slimy and gross.

Me-ewwww" I said laughing with my eyes closed.

Me-can I open them yet

Him- nope, play around with it, see if you like it" I then messed around with it, it felt like a hard version of them blobby things. He then directed my hand going back and forth, back and forth. He then lightly groaned.

Me-you okay dad?

Him-yeah yeah, keep going" I then done as I was told and keep on going, it was alright, it wasn't super fun but it was cool, the blobby thing began to stiffen in my hand. Dad kept making animal noises which made me laugh. Odd man. Suddenly something wet went all over my hand.

Him-you can open them now" he was just stood there still in his towel

Me-what was that?.....

Even though I was 12, I was a pretty naïve child. I was kept in a box about all this sex stuff, my parents never found a good reason to teach me about it......

Him-you want to know what it is

Me-yeah, it was slimy" I said staring at him

Him-okay" he then dropped his towel. That similar breeze ran across my legs. I then saw his.. his it. I freaked out and covered my eyes as I moved back.

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