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This song I'm writhing is really coming on, I decided to go with a love theme. A bit like Romeo and Juliet. I've written up to the second chorus, chords and all. After much pondering I gave the song the name 'love story'. (A/n, Any Taylor Swift fans will know where I got all this song stuff from. Also, chords are a thing you play on a guitar which sqaishey is awesome at). I practised singing it a few times before Stampy came in to do YouTube stuff. He kissed me on the forehead 

'What was that for?' I asked in a nice way.

'For your beautiful singing voice' he smiled before heading into his recording room. 

I decided it would be a good idea to go recorde some feather adventures in advanced. I recorded only three but I was exhausted and needed a brake. I made me and stampy a cup of tea then sat on the couch near Netty and Tom. They smiled but said nothing else. I was planning on today being a full on pj day but then I remembered to new pool opened yesterday. It looked amazing and I instantly ran around the house asking everyone to go. They all said yes so we changed and put our swimming stuff on under some clothes and then Netty drove us to the pool.

The pool was huge. The slides were so awesome! I let out a huge squeal, so did Netty. Omg we were like, actual fangirling!! We did a weird dance then held hands and jumped up and down like weird two year olds. Hey, no one could judge! Stampy and Tom just rolled their eyes in a playful way so o gave Stampy a friendly nudge. 'Hey judger, I bet that slide is awesome' I joked. Stampy gave a sly grin and said 'only one way to find out!' We both went charging, well, we had to walk, but fast walking. We both went walking over to the massive slide. Netty and Tom followed. When we got their we realised it was only small kids going down the slide! Some brake kids they are. We all laughed. When fans saw us they grinned and whispered. We knew it was nice whispereing. 'Hey' I smiled. They squealed and asked 'are yoh guys Stampy, sqaishey, Netty and tom?' We smiled and nodded our heads. They let out another big scream then Stampy whispered 'reminds me of someone'. He was jokely eyeballing Netty and I. We both blushed and smiled sheepishly. Suddenly the fans spoke 'I'm a huge fan of your stampy' on said. 'And I'm a huge fan of you and Netty sqaishey' another, cute, young girl spoke. Tom pretended to be offended that no one liked him but then they all said 'we all love you tom' and giggled. All the kids went up the slide and we followed. Not trying to be stalkers. Stampay was first down and for some reason this worried me. I mean, it's Stampy!

The slide was so awesome. I went down seriously fast! The turns were awesome I went so high on the burms. I was screaming the whole way down with my arms in the air. I didn't care who was watching me. Stampy said he'd see us in the little pool at the bottom of the slide s when I couldn't see him, it scared me. I felt hands smack down on the shoulders and I screamed so hard. I turned and it was just Stampy. I gave him a playful shove 'cheeky kitty!' I laughed. He blushed then asscorted me out of the pool.

Nettyhawk soon came down the slide. There were some beach balls to play with so we got one of those. We played donkey which I won, piggy in the middle, and then one person would chuck the ball into the air and the others would have to try catch it. Tom caught the balls the most. We were all having so much fun chucking the ball around that we lost track of time. It was four o'clock so the pool closed in and hour. 'Wow, we've been in the pool for at least 2 and a half hours guys!' Stampy looked quite shocked at that amount of time. 'Well, its been worth it' I said. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. 'Let's have 15 more minutes of  chucking the ball around' Netty said. Suddenly, she threw the ball my way. It landed on the side of the pool. Wow, didn't know Netty had that in her! I began swimming to the edge of the pool. I was about to poke my head above the water when someone pushed it down. That person was trying to hold me underwater. They were trying to drown me!


Netty threw the ball a really long way for sqaishey to try catch. She accidentally threw it onto the land. I laughed at my clumsy sister as sqaishey tried to get the ball. On the side of the pool I recognised a lady. Oh no! Sqaishey's mum. 'Sqaish, LOOK OUT!' I bellowed. It was no use, she was underwater and couldn't hear me. Her mum pushed sqaishey's head underwater so she coudn't get above the water for oxygen. Sqaishey was going to die. I could see sqaishey wriggling under the water in hope to get out of her mums hand but it was no use. Her mums hand was to large. I was ready just to embrace what was about to happen. I thought there was no way of saving sqaishey. Then, I dangerous idea popped into my head. Would it save sqaishey? Yes. Would it stop her mum? Yes. Could I get into serious trouble by the police for it? Yes! Unless......no! There is no life guard right now. I saw my chance and swam to the end of the pool. There, I pushed down sqaishey's mum so she fell onto her butt. Luckily she wasn't hurt but she was scared of me now. She walked out of the pool, luckily for her, not injured. Sqaishey came out of the pool and hugged me. She's the best. She dove back into the pool and swam to netty who hugged her tight. I was about to follow when I realised Nettyhawk wasn't the only people watching me. 'Ahem' a lifeguard coughed to get my attention. I winced. Oh crud! 

I got back into the water and explained to the worried sqaishey, Netty and tom that after a few questions the lifeguard understood that it was self defence. They even said they'd talk to the police about sqaishey's mum. Netty and Tom were super happy about the police getting involved, it would help get sqaishey's mum over and done with, but sqaishey seemed almost upset. (A/n, I seem to have a thing in which sqaishey ends up crying or being upset....weird!). 'What's wrong duckie?' I asked. Trying to be as gentle as I could. 'I don't know' she began 'I always wanted to stop my mum but the thought her her being behind bars....it just....' I hugged her tight. I told her it was for the best. Would she really want her mum to keep terrorising us? She seemed to calm down so we wen home. 

We all edited a few videos. I couldn't help listen and watch sqaishey editing. I taught her well. Her voice attracted me the most though. It was so cute and funny. It always made me smile. I'm so glad her voice it so amazing, it's what brought us together. I wonder if I wasn't attracted to her voice in the video where she toured her map she made for me, would we end up being together. I don't really want to know. We all met downstairs, made tea an watched Netflix until one a.m. Best night ever!


I really enjoyed writing this  chapter. I hope you enjoyed it to. The next one may take a while to come out! Read my Vlog book to find out more. Thanks for reading.

Izzlee 💝

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