(Disclaimer- this makes me cringe when I read it so read at your own risk. I'm not sure how I even produced this)
"Dude what are you waiting for get out of the god damn car!" Gabriel shouted at Cass slapping him in the back.
"I'm going geez calm down" Cass replied rubbing his back. He was shaking, he could feel his heart pumping through his coat. His coat made him feel safe, made him feel protected from everything around him.
"Get it moving bro!" Gabe shoved his way out of the car. Cass stepped out and took a breath.
"Hello school I am Cass Novak" he said to himself and walked through the doors.
"Any questions?" The counselor looked from Cass to Gabe.
"Nope" Gabe looked around bored.
"You guys got any sports?"
"Ah yes, we have football but that's it."
"FUCK YEAH" Gabe shouted.
"Excuse me??" She said appalled.
"Yes, well okay then. Castiel anything?"
"Nope" a silent cass said with his nose in his book. "To class then!"
Cass got to his first hour, math. Cass hated math. It wasn't that he wasn't any good, he excelled but it was all too much. He'd rather read or write or do something creative. Math was all just there for you. Nothing to explore. Cass sat down in the only empty spot there was which was next to some douche attempting to flirt with some poor girl. He hated this guy already.
"Hello class!" The teacher shouted "we have a new student here, I seem to have forgotten your name."
"Castiel but you can call me Cass" Cass said, intimated by this mans loud voice.
"Speak up little man no one can hear you" the guy next to him shouted and everyone laughed.
Cass felt his face burn, he got an angry gut feeling and decided to go with it despite the anxiety he was feeling."Hey douche, why don't you stop popping the collar of your dumbass leather jacket and leave this poor girl alone, she's obviously not into you, and don't fucking shout; I'm right here"
The class went silent. "Ok then, who likes geometry??"
Cass was walking out of class when the dude he sat beside cut him off.
"Hi Cass I'm Dean. You look like a cool dude, I'm sorry I pissed you off. Can I walk you to your next class?"
Hell to the no. He was not about to have the twat he just completely roasted walk him to his next class. Cass looked up from his shoes and was instantly captured by his smile but his eyes, oh his eyes were the deepest greenish hazel color he had ever seen. He could stare into Deans eyes until he went blind.
"Um, yeah sure I guess..." Cass just stood there staring up at Dean.
"Shall we go? Want me to grab your books?" Dean asked with the most beautiful voice Cass had ever heard. He felt his hatred for this boy break away and he felt as if he were going to melt like butter.
"Oh uh, yeah sure thanks"
Cass wasn't sure what was happening. He'd never felt this way about anyone, not even a girl. He never dated anyone, never even had feelings for anyone. But now he felt different, and even worse, over a guy. Either way there was one question he had stuck in his head all the way to his second class. What was this feeling?
Hey guys!! This story is completed but if you'd like you can still vote and comment! It would be greatly appreciated and it makes my day! Have a wonderful day loves♥️♥️

Just Let me love you / destiel
Fanfiction•completed• Cass, a new student at a new school. Everything is going great... until he runs into Dean. Dean who doesn't care about the rules. Dean who goes to every party, hooks up with every girl, but is secretly a sweet heart. This is a story abou...