Chapter 1

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                  The boy with the red hair.

We met in Kindergarten. He made his siblings let me walk with them to "protect" me. I'm smaller than the average girl my age. All of 4"10'. A real heavy hitter, however my best friend, Ian Gallagher, is the kind of guy to protect the small girl. He went from little to a fairly big guy. He's so nice and considerate. He's protected me all my life. I've loved him all my life. If only he knew.


      "Elaine let's go were going to be late if we don't go now!" My best friend yelled at me from downstairs as I applied my red lipstick. Ian and I are going to see a movie. I decided to dress like a Christmas tree and wear a green shirt black ripped jeans and red lipstick. I danced around a bit putting on some converses and I skipped down the stairs jumping on his back, "boo! My gentle giant," I let go of his neck and stood on the floor. "Let's get going red."
       I grab his hand pulling him out of the door before my mom could stop us and ask a million questions. He holds my hand and swings my arm walking to the movie theater. "So Lucy Lip is joining us later." Lip walks up slapping my butt, "hi little one." I giggle and Ian laughs, "or now." We walk to rest of the way to the theater passing a cigarette back and forth. Ian tosses me over his sholder tickling me, "Ian I will kick your ass stop it!" He laughs still doing it. I grab his butt with both hands biting and he says, "stop it little girl." He sits me down and I stand in front of him looking up smiling and Lip laughs," get a room and stop eye fucking eachother." I laugh and go to buy us tickets.
         We go in and sit at the back and I lay my leg over Ians lap and lean back on Lip," I love you guys." Lip twirls my hair around his finger. We leave about halfway through the movie due to it being so damn boring. I grabbed both of their hands and swing our arms back and forth. "Are we going to yall's house?" Ian nods and kisses my hand "sure my little friend." I smile and let go of their hands skipping in front of them singing loudly and an old guy yells at me from his window and I giggle stopping going in the front door of their house leaving the door open for them to come in.
        "Hey Fiona have you all eaten tonight? I'm gonna make dinner" she comes downstairs, "okay heading to work see ya later little red." I head into the kitchen turning on the stove and get out a pan and Carl comes downstairs, "I'm finally taller than you," He laughs. "Still tall enough to kick your ass...I'm making dinner." I sing and dance in the kitchen cooking. I yell up the stairs, "kids I made dinner come eat then we can watch tv!" I sit at the table eating and Ian comes in," I hope you know I'm sleeping in your bed tonight." He shrugs," when do you not sleep in my bed...I'll get you some of Debs pajamas later." I smile fixing his plate. I set his plate in front of him and kick my shoes off and put my hair in a bun and lean back propping my feet on his legs. He rubs my feet with one hand," are you tired little one." I nod stretching falling out of the chair. I giggle laying on the floor, "carry me to get something comfy to watch tv in." I hold my arms up and he carries me to Debs room tossing me on the bed getting shorts and a tank top tossing them to me," hurry and change and get your cute ass back downstairs." I salute giggling," Aye aye captain".
          I stand up changing folding my clothes bringing them downstairs putting them with my shoes and I plop down on the couch between Ian and Lip and I lay out across them watching whatever was on. I fall asleep and Ian carries me up to his room, lays me on the bed and he sits on the edge talking to Lip.


       "Why don't you stop acting like a pussy and ask her out already," Lip asked while I pulled out my bag. I shrug, " she's a rich girl she can't be with a guy like me. Plus were best friends anyway. Have been since kindergarten." I light the blunt taking a hit handing it to Lip."what would it hurt to ask her to go on a date with you?" I shake my head, "what if she just thinks it's "hanging out" what if she doesn't like me." Lip laughs," oh she likes me. She looks at you like she wants to jump your bones 24/7." I laugh a little," she's a wild fire...unpredictable. You never know what you're going to get with this little one."
          I lay on my back looking at Elaine. I whisper," goodnight beautiful." And I roll on my side laying my arm over her kissing her temple. I fall asleep not long later thinking of her.

            I wake up in the morning to the usual sounds of the Gallagher house and I crawl over Ian to get out of bed. I walk out passing Deb on my way to the bathroom," morning Chica..what's on the menu for breakfast?" She smiles," waffles my future sister-in-law." I smile walking in the bathroom leaving to door open to pee. I get up and flush and walk downstairs kissing Liams head as I walk past him.
    I sit in a chair at the table and Fiona comes in," Hey Fi I got some money for the squirrel fund since I basically live here." She gets out the can putting her money in and I toss mine in. "Hey doll go wake up Lip and Ian please I'm going to sleep," she walks upstairs tripping over a toy and I walk up the stairs behind her walking into the boys room throwing something at both of them," boys Deb is making breakfast come downstairs." They both groan and I go back downstairs as Deb finishes breakfast.
        I sit and eat and the boys come in eating," Hey Lucy are you working with me today at Kashs?" I nod fishing eating," we Gotta go by my house first so I can change." He nods getting up,"Let's go then Elaine." I say bye to everyone and leave with Ian. We stop by my house and I change into dark jeans and a black t-shirt and we walk to the store together.

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