The Move to Paris

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One and a half weeks later

"Megan wake up we need to finish packing we leave for Paris in 12 hours!" Spencer yells at me from outside my room.

"Ok I'm up, I just need to get dressed!" I yell as I crawl out of bed. 'Bloody hell it's hot in here!' I think as I shuffle over to my fan in the corner of my room. Turning it on I walk over to my dresser and pull out a pair of loose green shorts, an orange t-shirt, a bra and my brown Birkenstocks. I pull everything on and go downstairs to eat.

"Hey, Megan? Where're your glasses?" Spencer asks handing me a bowl and the boxed cereal.

"What... oh come on, here pour me a bowl will you. I have to go get them." I say as I hand him the bowl and the box, and sprint upstairs. When I get halfway up I see a blur of black and blue collide with my face.

"Ah!" I yell as I slip on the stairs but get pushed back up so I'm standing straight.

"Dude your so tired that you can't remember your glasses," Zeke says sitting on my right shoulder.

"Thanks, Zeke, also it's not my fault it's so hot here," I say and make my way back downstairs where Spencer has my bowl of cereal waiting for me.

"Meg, did you scream?" Spencer asks pushing my bowl of cereal towards my seat.

"Ya. It's because this guy collided with my face." I say and scratch Zeke's face.

"Megan come on! We have to get on the plane!" Spencer yells pulling me partway through the door of the plane.

"Ahhh you know I hate planes!" I yell holding onto a railing.

"Lady can you touch her side near her hip. That should get her to let go of the railing." Spencer tells her since he's trying to wrench my hands off of the railing. The lady does it making me let go, which gives Spencer enough time to pull me all the way into the plane and to our seats.

"Holy crap I forgot what it's like getting you on a plane," Spencer says and takes a seat in seat 11b which gives me the window.

"Well for being tired I'll say that was some grip," Zeke mutters in my ear.

"Ya well, I've gone off of less sleep," I say and tighten my seatbelt as far as I can get it. Soon after Zeke gets into my backpack the demonstrations start and I put my headphones in. Not soon after that, I feel a tap on my arm, turning to look at Spencer I see him motion for me to take my headphones out.

"What?" I whisper half glaring at him.

"You should pay attention it might help calm you," Spencer says motioning to the flight attendant showing us how to buckle our selves in.

"You know very well that, that won't help me it just makes me feel uneasy!" I whisper at him and put the headphones back in my ears.

Half an hour later we have landed in Nice, and are waiting for the rest of the people to arrive so we can take off to Paris.

"Alright everyone, were going to be taking off in five minutes." A Hostess tells all the passengers on the plane as the doors close and the engine starts. Then the plane moves to face Paris and we take off.

"Lady's and gentlemen you can now that this time in this hour and a half to sleep before we reach Paris at 9:30 pm." The hostess says as she turns off the lights for us to sleep.

"Holy shit!" I mutter to myself as we hit turbulence that wakes me from my sleep and I almost pee myself.

"Alright folks, we'll be landing in five minutes and I'd like to welcome you all to Pairs from the Mayor!" The hostess says as Spencer and I both turn to give each other a knowing look. The look on both of our faces says 'Ya right the Mayor of Paris is a big ass.' A few minutes later we've landed and are getting off the plane much to my liking.

"Ahhh, thank god I never want to take a plane again!" I almost yell but don't because of the time of night.

"Ok let's go to baggage claim and grab our suitcases and head to our new car," Dad says and grabs my hand as Mum grabs Spencer's to drag us along.

"So what part of Paris is our new house?" I ask since it would be nice to know where we're going.

"Well, the house is right by a bakery and by Collège Françoise Dupont, which is where the two of you will be going for school.

"Sweet I wonder if Alya will be going there?!" I say as we reach baggage claim and wait for our bags.

Five days later we've moved into the house and Mum and Dad have set up a small shop downstairs for design and tailoring people.

"Megan, Spencer time for lunch," Mum yells and I give Spencer a look before pausing our Wii match on his tv in his room.

"Hey, Megan if you get a chance get me a crescent!" Zeke whispers at Spencer and me as we walk out of Spencer's room.

"Coming!" We yell unison, as we run down the stairs to the second-highest floor in the building, which has the kitchen and our parent's room.

"Hey Mum I'm going to go say hi to Ariden and his Dad after lunch, sorry Spence we can finish playing golf later. But you can come if you'd like." I tell him as I grab some lettuce and tomatoes for my chicken sandwich.

"No, I'm going to go get some fresh crescents from the bakery across the street," Spencer says and we finish lunch in silence, aside from the soft hum of Shawn Mendes playing in the background.

Ding dong! Yells the doorbell and a few seconds later Natalie, Gabriel's assistant, answers the doorbell.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Natalie asks me, not even inviting me in.

"I'm here to see Gabriel Agreste and his son Adrien," I say looking past her to see if Gabriel has come to the door yet.

"Natalie who's at the door?" Gabriel asks not seeing me because I'm hidden behind Natalie.

"Hi, Gabriel! Did you miss me!" I half yell pushing past Natalie and spreading my arms as I do so.

"Natalie leave us," Gabriel says as I walk up to him and give him a grin.

"Where are your parents and brother I'd like to speak to them," Gabriel asks.

"Well they would have come but they got caught up in meeting our new neighbours and unpacking some more boxes," I say taking out a picture of me and my family with Gabriel and Adrien when we went to Greece a few years ago and handing it to Gabriel for him to frame.

"Anyway it is nice to see you and I trust you had a nice flight," Gabriel says putting the picture away and forgetting that I hate planes.

"You could say the way, I hate flying so if you ask my parents they'd say yes but me it's a no," I say and we start walking towards Adrien's room since he knows I'm not just here for him.

"Well, that's unfortunate," Gabriel says as we reach Adrien's room and he knocks on the door.

"Yes?" Adrien asks not knowing I'm at the door.

"Well, what are you waiting for, if you don't open the door I'm going to grow a bread out here!" I yell and Adrien flings the door open and jumps hugs me.

"Holy crap Megan it's good to actually see you!" Adrien yells and hugs me for a bit more before letting go.

"Ya I'll see you later Gabriel, but for now I'd like to have some catch-up time with your son," I tell Gabriel and close the door in his face.

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