[ twelve ] anger management class with stiles

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anger management class with stiles

"Hey, Scott." Harper smiled as she closed her locker door, turning to face the dark haired boy who was muttering something to himself as he walked down the hallway. "Why didn't you answer your phone last night? Stiles and I had to tell you something."

Scott stopped in front of the brunette and sighed. "He told me this morning about the text message. Oh, and because Derek broke my phone."

Harper's eyes widened, her smile slowly dropping from her face. "What? Why would he do that?" She asked.

He rolled his eyes. "He called it training. He said I need to stay away from Allison because she's a distraction."

Frowning, Harper replied. "That's the biggest load of crap I've ever heard! She's so good for you, Scott."

"No, he's right." He replied softly as they began to walk down the hall, clutching her school books to her chest. "She is a distraction. I can't concentrate when I'm thinking of her or when I'm around her. And trust me, she's all that's on my mind."

Despite the situation, Harper awed. "Scott! That's the cutest thing I've ever heard. Allison is so lucky to have a guy that cares about her like you do. I need to get a boyfriend now."

"You have Stiles."

"Huh?" Stiles?

"Nothing. Forget it." He replied quickly as they began to walk up the stairs leading to the English block.

The McCall boy turned around, grabbing Harper's arm and tugging her backwards so they were walking in the opposite direction. Frowning, Harper looked over her shoulder, spotting Allison there talking to some girls that were in her maths class.

"Scott, we have English." Harper hissed.

Scott didn't reply. "Stay away from Jackson." He muttered under his breath as Jackson walked out of a classroom, pulling her in yet another direction.

Lydia turned around from where she was half way down the hall at her locker. "Hey, Scott! Harper!" She chirped.

Scott let go of Harper's arm. "Oh come on!" He grumbled, walking away.


Harper took a shortcut to English, obviously making it to class before Scott did. She spotted Stiles sat near the back of the class and smiled at him, walking over. Stiles smiled back as Harper put her backpack underneath the desk next to him and sat down.

"Hey, how's your dad?" She asked him sweetly.

On the night of the teachers/parents conference, an actual mountain lion had entered the car park. Apparently the sheriff had tried to shoot at it but got knocked over by a car in the process. Nothing was broken but Stiles is mad at Scott for not looking out for his dad and now Harper's stuck in the middle of it, just like with every arguement that they have.

The Stilinski boy sighed. "He'll be fine. Thanks for asking."

Harper didn't reply as she took her books out, looking up when she saw Scott enter the room. The two boys made eye contact and Stiles rolled his hazel eyes, looking back down at the paper on his desk.

Scott walked over, sitting at the desk behind Stiles and sighing. He leaned forwards and whispered, "Still not talking to me?"

When Stiles ignored him, Scott huffed. "Can you at least tell me if your dad's okay? I mean, it's just a bruise, right? Some soft tissue damage? Nothing that big?"

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