[Kirsten's P.O.V.]
I walked down the sidewalk from my flat complex. I was on my way to Starbucks before I went to work. My flats barely mad any noise on the ground. I shifted my bag that was on my shoulder. Starbucks came into view and I quickened my pace. I opened the door and walked to the counter. The lady looked at me with a small smile. "How may I help you?" she asked. I glanced at the menu and sighed. "I will have the mocha frappe." She nodded and punched in my order. I was a regular here, so I didn't have to give her my name. She handed me my drink and I gave her the money. I then walked out of the café' and towards the book store. Yes, I work at a book store. Don't judge me. I hugged myself tighter as I realized it was getting colder out. I shoulder have worn a heavier coat since it was the middle of winter. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I reached the book store, only to stop and see police cars around it. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion as I got closer. Why are there police cars everywhere? I asked myself. As I walked closer, I seen bullet holes in the glass. Turning on my heel, I ended up bumping into someone. "I-I'm sorry!" I stuttered. A deep chuckle sounded above me. I looked up and met eyes with a curly haired boy. He smiled at me, "It's alright, love." I smiled faintly and tried to pull away but his grip on me tightened. "Going somewhere?" he asked, I bit my lip and nodded. "I'm going home." I told him weakly. His grip loosened and he nodded. "I'm Harry by the way." I smiled half-heartedly and looked up at him again. "My name is Kirsten. Now if you would excuse me, I have to get home." Harry chuckled, "Your feisty, I like it." I rolled my eyes and began walking away. When I got home, all I could think about was Harry. Why was he there? Who was he? I sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV. My mind whirled with many unanswered questions. I had shown Harry weakness when he was holding onto me. I ran a shaky hand through my hair. The incident at the book store came onto the news. There was a robbery and a shooting that took place. I was glad I had stopped at Starbucks. If I didn't, I would be dead right now. The victims that died were identified. A 16 year old girl, my boss, and an old man. They never found out who had done it. My mind went back to Harry. What if he had done all that killing and what not? I shook my head and continued watching the news. I looked at the clock on the wall and sighed. A knock came on my door which made me jump. I groaned and stood up. I got the door and opened it. My best friend, Katie stood there looking quite flustered. "Are you ok?" she asked. I nodded and raised my eyebrows at her, "What about you?" I asked. Katie nodded and walked into my flat. Closing the door, I followed her into the kitchen. "So, what are you doing here?" She grinned sheepishly. "We are going clubbing tonight!" My eyes widened in shock. "After what today?" Shed nodded, grinning. She then pulled me with her to my bedroom. She pulled a bright short red dress out of her bag and handed it to me. I rolled my eyes and walked to my bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and put the dress on. I began doing my makeup. After I finished, I walked back into my room. Katie was wearing a very revealing black dress. "You look like your going to impress someone." She shook her head and laughed. "I might get lucky tonight." Shaking my head at her, I sat down on my bed. "Kirsten, you never know. Our soul mates could be there." I looked at the large infinity symbol on my wrist and sighed. "What happened if we see our soul mates?" I asked. She shrugged, "We will see what happens." I nodded and played with the hem of my dress. Nights like this one is what I hate. I have this feeling that something is going to go terribly wrong tonight. I ran my hand through my hair and looked at Katie. "Are you ok?" Katie asked. I shrugged and laid back on my bed. "I have a feeling tonight is going to change our lives forever." Katie raised her eyebrow at me, "What makes you think that?" she asked. I shrugged and stood up, "Let's just go." She nodded and followed me out the door and to the elevator.
A/N: So what did you all think of the first chapter on Tainted Scars? I will update every Thursday or Friday, since I am writing this book in a notebook as well.
10+ votes for the next chapter!<3
I love you all!!