"(Y/n)!" Meliodas yelled at you frantically, as you were dodging sword parries left and right. You have a few large wounds and several scratches, both of which were bleeding, as you stabbed down enemies. You were sweating, the salt flowing into your open cuts and making them sting, and also a distraction.
"Yeah?" You yelled back as Meliodas cut down an enemy behind you. The Sins were dealing with bandits, and experienced ones at that. They were rather strong, since they had been injected with Red Demon blood.
"We have to surrender! These bandits aren't necessarily strong, but there are a lot of them! We have to evacuate!" He shouted anxiously, his limbs beginning to shake. He was scared, you could tell.
"Alright, Captain! Your judgement is best!" You said happily, turning around and flashing Meliodas a big smile. You laughed, as he took your hand, but then... A bandit suddenly stabbed a curved sword through your chest.
Everything seemed to stop. Meliodas' eyes widened as he saw the blood seep through your clothes, and as you fell down. And something inside of him awoke. Something angry. Something dark. He set you down gently, and then he changed into his demon form. The other Sins stopped to watch what would happen next, and so did the bandits. What happened next nobody would ever forget.
He wiped out all the bandits. Even the king. He was so enraged, that his eyes had a faint reddish tint to them. After wiping all the bandits out, he changed back. You stared up at him in sorrow and horror.
"M-Meliodas..." You whispered, bringing a hand up to his bruised face. He started to cry.
"S-Save your breath..." He said, his voice cracking as he clenched your hand in his own. You were his one true love. No one could ever substitute you. You began to cry as well. Except, you were crying blood.
"I-I..." You began, but he put a hand up to your mouth.
"Please... Merlin... Somebody..." He sobbed, his body wracking with heartache.
Merlin strolled over to you two, one of her hands covering her mouth. You were one of her dearest friends. She couldn't just let you die there. She tried everything, all the healing spells she knew. But she couldn't heal you. She shook her head at Meliodas and then walked back to the other Sins. They just stood there, watching as one of their fellow Sins ebbing away.
"You... Promised me, that you w-wouldn't leave... Not like this..." Meliodas sobbed, holding your body close to his.
"I did... B-but some promises are meant to be broken..." You whispered, smirking a bit. You smiled, knowing that this was going to be the last time you felt his loving warmth.
"NOT THIS ONE!" He screamed,
"My love... We shall meet again." You whispered tenderly, kissing his cheek.
There was a moment of silence. The light in your bright, (e/c) eyes began to fade away, leaving nothing but a void of dullness.
"Do you promise..?" He asked, as his question seemingly floated in the air. There was another moment of silence before you responded.
"I promise." Your words stayed there, in his heart, in his ears, in his brain. You loved him with all of those, as your eyes closed. He realized that you were dead. His lover. A friend. A sin. The person he cared for most in his entire life.
The sky seemed to cry, along with your fellow Sins. They didn't hold back.
"(Y/N)!!" Meliodas screamed, is voice echoing throughout the expansive terrain. He held the wedding ring he gave you. And he slipped it on his finger.
"We shall preserve (Y/n)'s legacy no matter what." He growled, his tears slipping down his bloodies face.
You woke up. The last thing you remembered was a promise to Meliodas. You weren't sure what promise, but you knew it was solid promise that you could never break. You began to assess your surroundings. You were in a fluffy bed, but you were also chained down to it.
The room itself was filled with old-looking books and potions, as well as parts of animal and monster bodies. You saw a jar specifically labeled; "Bandit Eyes". You remembered something about bandits as well.
You writhed around in your comfortable cage, breaking out of the chains a with a loud crack. Someone floated up into the room to see what was happening.
"M-Merlin?" You whispered, your voice cracking from not using it for a very long time.
"(Y/n)...! You're awake..." She smiled, helping you up.
You rubbed your head, as you saw that you had various scars along your slim body.
"W-What happened?" You asked, leaning on her shoulder. You began to walk down the stairs.
"Don't go down there."
She then began the lengthy process of explaining how long it had been since you had woken up, how you seemingly died, and how she erased Meliodas' memory of you dying. And you completely. You nearly broke down crying because of that. But you managed to keep it inside of yourself. But she didn't tell you about Elizabeth.
"Do you think that you're ready to go down?" Merlin asked, as she rubbed your back.
You inhaled.
yes, i know that prologues suck
but if i dived into the story it wouldn't make sense :P

Forgotten | Meliodas X Sin!Reader
Romance{complete} (Y/n), the Griffin Sin of Solitude. Long, long, ago, she had begun a relationship with Meliodas. But something happened. A gigantic group of bandits attacked and "killed" (Y/n), only to leave Meliodas broken. Merlin cast a spell to make...