Beach City

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     What can kill things, I thought as I walked. I stopped, poison? Poison fog that doesn't sound right, what's a better word for fog?
     I walked up to the warp pad, held my hands out and said, "Take me to people." I glowed my gem and it worked! I was traveling! When it stopped I was in a new place, some sort of building with a big door in the front. I walked out and down the hill on my left. It was a town, I walked up to the first person I saw, "Hello, human! What is this place called?" He looked at me weird and said "Umm Beach City?" He quickly walked away. Beach City, I thought, I like that but, I stopped walking, What's a Beach, What's a City? I found another nearby human, "Pardon me human sir but where can I find information about words" He looked at me weird too. "You mean a library?" Library, what's a library? "Umm yes a library! Where is this 'library'?" He gave me directions and I walked in. "Hello," said the lady at the counter, "how can I help you?" I told her what I was wanting and she gave me, a "dictionary", an "Encyclopedia", and a "Thesaurus". She also handed me a "Library Card". I went back to the place with the warp pad and discovered it was called a barn. I learned a new word for fog too, gas. "Poison gas" I said aloud. My gem glowed as if it agreed with me.

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