chapter 11

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When we returned to our house, we started to unpack our things. We finished unpacking everything after five hours. I was so tired, I collapsed onto our bed. The bed dipped beside me as Nick flopped down next to me.  I looked over at him and smiled he returned the smile, but kept looking at me. I have him a questioning look and he yelled, "Tag you're it!" He hit me in the arm and then took off down the hall.

I took off after him. When I got to the door of our room, I saw him run down the stairs. I chased after him and saw him run into what I thought was the kitchen. I quietly walked into the kitchen. He was standing in the other doorway trying hard not to laugh. I quietly walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, "You're it." I whispered in his ear.

I ran off up the stairs, Nick closely following behind me. As I got to the top of the stairs, Nick tackled me. We fell down with him on top of me. Our foreheads touched and he gave me an eskimo kiss. I closed my eyes as he leaned in to kiss me. His lips ghosted over mine until someone rang the doorbell.

He groaned as he got off of me. We both got up and walked downstairs. He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers. We walked to the door and Nick opened it. When he did, Vanessa tackled him and it looked like she was trying to eat his face.

Whore alert.

I pulled her off of him and threw her done on the coach in the livingroom. Nick got up and walked over to us. He sat down on the love seat across from Vanessa.

"Who the hell do you think you are? I mean, what's wrong with you? Are you that hard up for dick, that you go and try to get my mate in bed with you?"

"You're mate? Don't make me laugh! You think that he loves you? I was here the night before he was grounded because he wanted someone to fuck! I fact, he called me this morning to ask if I could come over to fuck! So you keep telling yourself that he actually loves a bitch as fat and ugly as you!"

"I never did any of that! The last time we fucked was over a month ago!" Nick responded.

"I'm done! I'm just fucking done! Both of you can go fuck yourselves because I'm done with both of you!" I ran upstairs as soon as I said that. I heard Nick yell out after me, but I chose to ignore him. I slammed the door of our room and locked the door. I started to throw all of my things into a bunch of suitcases and bags. Nick was pounding on the door the whole time I was packing. I texted decided to text Riley.

Me: Hey Riley do I think I could maybe crash at ur house for a while

Riley: Sure but y

Me: I would like it better if I didn't tell I right now

Riley: :( ok see I later then if u come by

Me: Ttyl

Just as I sent the text to Riley, Nick broke down the door. When I saw him, I broke down in years and ran into the bathroom. I locked the door right before Nick could reach the door. I sat in the corner crying with my head on my legs in between my hands. I blocked out Nick's pleas. I say there I'm my own little bubble until I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. From the smell I could tell it was Nick. As I cried, Nick pulled me closer into his chest.

I gave up and cried into his shoulder for what seemed like forever. After I stopped, he started to sing to me.

White lips, pale face

Breathing in snowflakes

Burnt lungs, sour taste

Light's gone, day's end

Struggling to pay rent

Long nights, strange men

And they say


She's in the Class A Team

Stuck in her daydream

Been this way since eighteen

But lately her face seems

Slowly sinking, wasting

Crumbling like pastries

And they scream

The worst things in life come free to us

Cause we're just under the upper hand

And go mad for a couple grams

And she don't want to go outside tonight

And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland

Or sells love to another man

It's too cold outside

For angels to fly Angels to fly

Ripped gloves, raincoat

Tried to swim and stay afloat

Dry house, wet clothes

Loose change, bank notes

Weary-eyed, dry throat

Call girl, no phone

And they say

She's in the Class A Team

Stuck in her daydream Been this way since eighteen

But lately her face seems

Slowly sinking, wasting

Crumbling like pastries

And they scream

The worst things in life come free to us

Cause we're just under the upper hand

And go mad for a couple grams

And she don't want to go outside tonight

And in a pipe she flies to the Motherland

Or sells love to another man

It's too cold outside

For angels to fly An angel will die

Covered in white

Closed eye

And hoping for a better life

This time, we'll fade out tonight

Straight down the line

And they say

She's in the Class A Team

Stuck in her daydream

Been this way since eighteen

But lately her face seems

Slowly sinking, wasting

Crumbling like pastries

They scream

The worst things in life come free to us

And we're all under the upper hand

Go mad for a couple grams

And we don't want to go outside tonight

And in a pipe we fly to the Motherland

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