Chapter 1 ~ The Beginning

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Mina's POV

          My history. I'm always pressured in the way I did things. It got worse and worse. I was expected to make money on my own. My parents never seemed to exist for me, and all I wanted to do was disappear. Music was my lifesaver, and I never wanted to get out. My best friend, Lizabeth, died last night. I hope that this suffering all stops before I know it.

2 Years Later

          It's over. I'm done. I want out on this shitty world. Everything that I ever wanted to do, my dreams, are gone. What's the point? I looked outside to see no one walking around. With all my willpower, I snuck outside. With me, I only had my brother's jacket. In an instant, I started running, running away from them. I then found my favorite lake. The perfect place to lay my body. Overlooking the scenery, I looked back at my teal wrist watch. 8:30 PM. It has been three hours since I disappeared. I took off my jacket and watch and set it down near the edge. I also slipped my combat boots off. Walking to the edge, I felt various visions pass by. All the times that I was bullied, the time Lizabeth died, and the times I was abused. The only person that I ever trusted committed suicide. Why hadn't I known? Why hadn't I been there for her? They all came back to me like a truckful of memories crashed into me. They say life flashes before your eyes before death, the happy moments. They were wrong. Fucking wrong. I started looking for that box I found awhile back.


Lizabeth's POV

          Here I am. The blade is right there in front of you. All you have to do is stab yourself. This should be easy. This is exactly like seppuku except this is America. Fuck it. I'm calling it seppuku. It won't matter once I die. I turned my head back around to make sure the door was closed. I looked at my left wrist to see my most precious gift that I will never part with, my bracelet. Taking a shaky breath, I took a handkerchief and wrapped it around my mouth. I grabbed another and covered my eyes. As tears streamed down my face, I tapped around for the knife. I found it and placed it against my skin. Suddenly, the memories flooded back. The time my brother, Alex, gave me the golden charm bracelet. The time my parents admitted they were wrong for once. The time when I disappeared just a little bit from this world. All the happy memories. Is this what life flashing before your eyes looks like? Is this really the time where I'm going to die? I'll never know because I will be dead by then. In that instant, the knife blade sliced through the skin, lots of blood coming out of the wound. I brought the knife blade lower down. Another cut means more blood which equals a faster death. I continued this three more times until I could barely lift my hand up. Instantly, I stabbed it through me and pulled it out. The blood-stained knife clashed against the hardwood floor after I dropped it. Falling near the knife and the bloodied sheets of my bed, the door broke open, allowing light to flow throughout the entire room. The figure of my older brother appeared, his face in pure shock and sadness. "Liz! Liz! Don't do this to me! Don't do this to Mina! She needs you!" he exclaimed as everything around me started to turn black, and I started to lose consciousness. I'm so sorry, Mina, but I had to. You don't need me anymore. You're strong.

Alex's POV

          No. Liz, no. Don't go. With tears, I looked around for the clues on her arm. The knife. Of course it was. Mom and Dad never cared about her safety. No wonder she was able to pull this off. Just as long as she was alive. Carrying her, I rushed down the stairs to the car. Mom and Dad looked up as I carried her. "Where are you going?" Dad asked forcefully.

          "Is that really relevant right now?" I shot back angrily. "Your own daughter might have just died, yet you don't care? Go kill yourself!" In an instant, I rushed out the door, placing Liz in the seat next to me. Shoving my key into the ignition, I started driving off to the hospital.

          At the hospital, I grabbed Liz and ran inside. As I entered, two women stared at me as they shouted orders. They somehow knew the current situation as they grabbed Liz and carried her to a different room. As I tried to chase after her, one of the younger nurses pushed me back. "I'm sorry, sir, but you can't come in with us," she replied.

          "Can you make an exception, and let me go in?" I questioned frantically. I wanted to be with her until her final breath.

          "It could be a serious issue if you are in the same room with us at the moment," she replied, sighing. Nodding, she rushed off, and I sat in a chair, praying that she will survive. Slowly, I fell asleep.

6 Hours Later

          "Anybody here for Lizabeth Tellis?" a woman's voice asked that seemed farther away. Someone shook my shoulder, and I woke up, looking up. "Lizabeth Tellis?" she called again. Instantly, I started walking to her.

          "Is she okay? Is she alive? Can she come home now?" I bombarded her with questions in an instant. The burden all of the questions had slightly released off of my chest. This doesn't feel right. What's happening?

          Sighing with tears in her eyes, she replied, "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me for telling you. She is no longer with us." She bent her head down, not wanting to see my reaction. Stunned by the news, my body quivered, and I tried to blink back the tears that threatened to come out.

          "W-what?" I asked again.

          "Lizabeth passed away," she muttered quietly. Suddenly, the tears started to fall. I didn't care if anyone saw me anymore. I fell to my knees, the news sinking in. I covered my mouth to not cause a huge commotion with my sobs. Over and over, it repeated in my head, becoming louder and louder. "I'm sorry, sir. If you wish, you may say your final goodbyes," the nurse muttered again. Nodding, she carefully helped me up and guided me to her room, her final resting place. When I entered the room, her lifeless body laid there, the dried blood staining her skin and clothes. I rushed over to her and held her hand.

          "I'm sorry. I couldn't do it," I muttered quietly as tears started running down my face. "I have failed.

Why is it so dark where you're not here

It's dangerous how wrecked I am

Save me because I can't get a grip on myself.

Save Me ~ Jeon Jungkook

End of Flashback



A/N: First chapter is up. We'll see how often I'll post. Have a good day. :)

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