Bow.. Bow.. Bow..

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This was my birthday gift to my friend Akshata's pet Jazz.. 


"Ragini..! Ragini..! Take your dog away..!"

Kriya shouts as if world is going to end..!

Ragini comes in frustration and takes her dog in her hands,

"Kriya, I said you 100 times..! This is not dog..! this is choco..! you got it..??"

Kriya: dog is always a dog.. Whether it has any name.!

Ragini: oh, then shall I call you human being instead of kriya..??

Kriya: Ragini..! whatever, your choco has licked my legs. I hate it..!!

Ragini: oh, really..! choco, let's wash your tongue. How dirty might have become yours tongue, licking her leg..!

Kriya shouts: Ragini...!!!!

At breakfast...

Kriya got plate full of upma before her and Ragini is making choco eat omelet.

Sumi: what happened kriya..? eat...

Kriya: maa, of that dog omelet and for me upma..??

Ragini: I will break your teeth kriya. I said you 101 times, this is choco.. not dog..!

choco shouts bow..!

Ragini: got it..??

Kriya: aahhh..!!

Sumi: today is choco birthday know...

Ragini: yaa, that's why omelet for breakfast, chicken for lunch, evening a big cake, and night.. 101 Dalmatians movie..!!

choco keeps moving it's tail in excitement.

Kriya: this house has become a dog house..!!

She sighs.

Ragini's phone rings.

Ragini: haa Laksh... I'm coming right now..!

Ragini: maa, I'm going to meet Laksh.

She is about to take choco also.

Kriya: what..? you are going to meet Jiju with this one also..??

Sumi: kriya, you also go with Ragini...

Kriya: but why me..?

Ragini: me, Laksh and choco will enjoy the climate... you are body guard to us..!!

Kriya shouts again: Ragini..!!!

'Bow bow..' choco shouts.

Kriya is driving the car. Ragini is sitting beside her. choco is in back seat looking out from window.

Ragini looks at choco.

Ragini: awww.... Kriya.. see at choco. I think, it's a clever man in her previous life. See, how it's thinking deeply...! She only should know what is she thinking.

Kriya holds her head with other hand.

Ragini: choco says out frankly when something which it won't like. If it's tail is down, then it is sad..! when it's tail swinging it is very happy and excited..!! but.. when it's tail is straight.. it's very angry... her teeth are...

Kriya: Ragini, you know about dogs a lot..!!

Ragini: I don't know about dogs. I know only about choco..! by the way, who is dog here..? is that you..?

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