Part 8

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Yn Pov

Me and rocky was watching 106 & park and mindless behavior use to be came on , I let my attitude go cause it wasn't worth it.

" Oooo who that lightskin nigga with the blonde hair ? He sexy af"he said

" nah he ugly " I said laughing

" you love him though "

" mhm"

We watched the rest of the video then it went off and I laid on top of him

" rocky I'm sleepy"

" go to sleep then "

" k"

" Yn?"

" Yes"

" I love you"

" I love you to rocky " I said leaning up to kiss him then laying back on him

Roc Pov

I honestly do love this girl , I plan on being with her for the rest of my life . Having kids together , getting married all that good stuff . She's beautiful great personally and childish ( in a good way ) she has everything a girl would die for and a boy would love their girl to have .. I'm lucky I met her
I then fell to sleep thinking about Yn

The next morning ...

I woke up and Yn wasn't in bed. The bathroom light was on and the door was closed so I'm guessing she was in there I just laid down waiting for her to come out

" Good Morning babe" I said scaring her

" omg rocky you scared me " she said holding her chest and laying next to me

" I'm sorry beautiful "

She blushed and covered her face

" stop calling me that Chresanto. " she said

I took her hands down from her face and she look down

" Yn. You don't think you beautiful?"

"...." She didn't say anything

" Yn you are beautiful obviously if I went with you " I said laughing cause if you was ugly I damn sure wouldn't be with you and plan on spending my whole life with you "

She smiled
I kissed her

" why you call me Chresanto ?"

" Well , only when you call Chresanto when you make me mad , or when I have to tell you something serious . Just remember that"

I laughed
She laid close next to me and I put my arm around her while she played with my fingers on my other hand

"rocky .. How many kids do you won't?" She said why playing with my fingers

" Um 5 . 3 boys and 2 girls"

She laughed like it was funny " silly boy!"

" I'm serious and I'm having them with you to"

" who said I wonted kids ? And 5 kids oh hell no , I'll have 2 one boy and one girl plus my kitty not bouta go thru all that pain " she said laughing

" it'll go thru all that pain when he first time we have sex"

" hush"

I laughed

" how do you know this relationship will last anyway"

" because I'm not gone do nothing stupid to mess it up . And I know you'll stay loyal"

She didn't say nothing

" why'd you ask that question anyways"

" previous relationship was horrible , he used me for sex we been together for 5 months and we had sex , after we had sex he said he had to go home real fast and he never came back and that was almost 3 months ago and I never heard from he since
And the relationship before that my boyfriend cheated on me and when I broke up with him for cheating he said that's why I never loved you anyways " she said started to cry " and I really loved them"

I was speechless then I finally said something

" Yn I would never do that , you don't deserve that non since " I said Wiping her tears

" it's okay cause idc" she lied

I could tell she was lying but I just left it alone

" I love you baby" she said

" I love you to bae"

She smiled and grabbed my phone and we took a picture and i uploaded it to Instagram with the captain " Chillin ' with it tho 💯❤️" The picture was on her laying next to me and her head on my chest , and her taken the picture and she sticked her tongue out and I smiled showing my fangs
Yn was going thru the comments and reading them out loud

" Y'all Is so cute together , Fuck et Up roc , Chilling turns into action which means sex don't have sex roc , Yo Fangs tho, chillin my ass , Y'all go Together or nah , Lol I saw y'all at Myles party together , What's her Instagram name ???, What Happen to Desiree ? , Ooo she's a cutie keep her " she laughed at them and read some more
Majority of the comments was of fans arguing

" so yo fans just assume we're together ?" She said

" we are"

" I know but . I'm saying like we didn't tell them were together so they basically assuming. We probably could just be bestfriends"

" true"

" rocky I wonna kiss"

" Kiss me then"

She just kissed me like she haven't kissed me in years , about 3 minutes later she pulled back and smiled

" yo lips so soft " she said

I smiled " yours to"

All That Matters ( Yn And chresanto august)Where stories live. Discover now