I woke up to hear waves crashing and seagulls screeching as my radio went off.
“Good morning LA! It’s a nice and sunny with a high of 85 and here’s some Little Mix to start of your morning.”
I sat up in my bed and that’s when I realized what I did yesterday. I came back to LA. I actually came back. I’m actually sitting in my bed, in my house by the beach, in California, not Cheshire. My head slowly turned and I stared out my balcony window at the beach and then turned back to my big room. I threw off the covers and walked down the stairs of my big beach house into the kitchen. “One missed call from Lilly,” my phone read on the counter. I sighed as I called her back and she picked up on the third ring.
“Hello?” she asked.
“It’s Ali,” I said rubbing my eyes.
“I got you studio time for your next single today at 2 and I also have another surprise for you but that’s for later!” she said.
“Okay be at the studio at 2,” I said hanging up. I glanced at the fridge clock to see that it was noon. Not bad, since in Cheshire I would sleep until 2.
Cheshire. Wow, I still can’t believe I left. It feels like forever ago, but it was really only yesterday. I decided to go for a walk on the beach, just to clear my head, but to also get used to LA again. I slipped on a loose sundress and a big cardigan and grabbed my sandals as I walked down the big staircase and to the water. The waves were big and blue, just like they should be and just like they were when I left. I missed it here, a lot, to be honest. But, I also miss home.
Think about the present, not about the past. Right.
I stared out at the sun and the waves crashing near my feet. I held my sandals as I walked along the coastline, taking in the beach life I missed. I turned my head to see a couple holding hands and laughing. The girl had long blonde hair, which was lightly curled and the guy had brown curly hair, just like Harry’s.
That couple reminded me of Harry and I; well, when Harry and I were together. I looked down as they passed by me. I heard more giggling and looked up to see a girl with brown hair and a girl with blonde hair walking near me. The girl with brown hair reminded me a lot of Kenzie. Oh Kenz. She’s so sweet and adorable. The girl with blonde hair reminded me of Tess.
Shit. I froze where I was and stopped walking.
“Oh my god,” I gasped. I forgot to tell Tess what had happened!
You also forgot to say goodbye to her you idiot!
Oh my god! I’m a terrible friend! I turned around and fast-walked back to my house. The beach reminded me of everyone; this isn’t cool. I barged right through my door and glanced at the clock. It was 1, and I need to go to the studio by 2. I’ll have to tell Tess later when I get home. I called my driver and waited around on my front steps. It felt weird having a driver, since in England I had to drive myself everywhere.
“Miss Alison?” someone asked breaking me from my thoughts of Cheshire. I glanced up to see my driver staring down at me.
“Sorry,” I said standing up and following him over to the black limo. The whole ride to the studio, I stared out the window and thought about what I did. I left my family, my friends, and Harry.
Why are you thinking about Harry? He hurt you. He devastated you.
I know, but still. He was one of my best friends. Was. Was, is a strong word. The car came to a stop and I finally arrived at the studio. I thanked my driver and walked into the building and into the studio.
“Hey,” I said sitting in a white chair in front of the soundboard.
“Hey,” Lilly said breaking her gaze from the board and finally making eye contact with me.
“So what’s up?” I asked picking at my light blue nail polish.
“First, congrats on picking up your image! The press is only printing the great work you did back in England! Your image has never been better. Keep it up Ali,” she said smiling. I smiled and laughed a little. I honestly didn’t think I could pull it off! “Second,” she said pulling something up on her phone. “I was able to get you a job at a small music festival for overseas music artists! You’ll be opening the show and introducing an act, then you can leave,” she said.
“Is One Direction going to be there?” I asked panicking slightly.
“No its only for Australian music artists,” she said.
“Weird. Okay awesome!” I said.
“You’ll be opening the show with your new single and rehearsals start tomorrow,” she said emailing me the schedule.
“Awesome!” I said smiling as I received the schedule.
“In the studio you go girly. You’ve got a lot of recording to do,” she said as I walked inside. I smiled and put on the headphones as I endured a long session of singing.
~A few hours later~
I collapsed onto my bed, exhausted from singing a few hours later. The song was on replay in my head and I couldn’t get it out. I hummed the song as I rolled over my covers and changed into comfy pajamas. Just as I was about to get into my bed, the doorbell rang.
“Ugh who is that?” I groaned as I made my way down the stairs. I opened the door and froze in my spot. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped. I’m pretty sure I’m dreaming right now.
This isn’t happening.
Her long fingernails made a small, sarcastic wave, and that meant I’m in major trouble.
“Hello Alison. I’d like to have a little word with you,” she said staring at me. I tried to respond, but my mouth couldn’t move and a weird sound came out of my throat. She raised her eyebrow and stared at me some more. I finally said her name as my body came to its senses.
awwwwwww shittttttttttt
stuffsss about to go downnnnnnn
vote if u wanna know what happens next! 2 votes till next update

People Like Us - Harry Styles Fan Fiction
Fanfiction"You know it's people like us that make me wonder if we were ever meant to be together."