Chapter 28

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Scott watched as Kira's form settled into her fox form, the same form he had seen as a mere light barrier around her.

It was beautiful, unlike anything any of them had ever seen. Kira's light golden fur coat covered her body, long ears stood straight up as she held her head high, nine tails swayed around in warning, and bright orange eyes darted towards the woman.

Kira reverted to all fours and hissing at the woman she had once seen as her mother, approaching her slowly as she ignored the kitsunes that backed away, clearly not wanting to fight with her and staring at her in awe.

"Kira, h-how did you do that?" Ms. Yukimura asked, mixed emotions churned angrily inside the woman as she looked at her daughter. They had been cursed years ago and seeing her daughter turn into the form they had been neglected of knowing, that she had been neglected, angered her even more.

"I don't know..." Kira hissed before looking over at Mr. J getting up as he held his chest in pain. "But this has to stop, it's been years! Not being this, hasn't affected us in anyway and killing because you believe it'll give you the will to change is stupid! You've nearly killed a whole race because you wanted to change? To finish what our ancestors started?! That's just wrong! These people never did anything, and you have to accept our ancestors were in the wrong! That's why we were cursed. It was our mistake, it's about time you accept it!"

Ms. Yukimura furrowed her brows at her daughter before picking up a sword, "You think you know everything? Well I hate to break it to you sweetie, but you're just a child! What the hell would you know when you just became a part of this world! You're just an ignorant child who's in that stage of life where friends matter above everything else that's moral!"

"You're wrong! I'm not the one being a child here; you're out of our mind! I don't care if you're my mother, but I won't let you hurt my friends and pack again." Kira hissed.

"Then I won't care that you're my daughter," Ms. Yukimura said as she threw two kunai knives at Kira before racing towards her.

They came to a surprise to Kira but she managed to dodge them both before hissing at her as she swatted her away with her tails before taking advantage of her fallen state and biting into her leg as she dragged her around on the ground before swinging her towards Scott.

Scott grabbed Ms. Yukimura by the throat and lifted her up before harshly slamming her down on the floor, making the woman cry out in pain.

Kira ran towards Scott trying to finish off what they had started when a kunai was stabbed into Scott's leg, making him scream.

"All that power you possess and yet still don't know basic fighting knowledge." Ms. Yukimura told Scott before back handing him. Kira latched at her mother's side, biting into her shoulder as she tugged at it, making the woman scream in pain at the flesh beginning to tear apart.


Derek was a bit at loss when he reappeared in the cabin, but hearing Stiles scream brought him back to his senses. He rushed to the stairs and barely climbed the first few steps when he heard windows being shattered.

"Shit," He muttered under his breath when he saw shadows moving around in the living room. He heard another window shatter from upstairs and growled as he rushed upstairs, "Stiles!" He was so near to his mate, there was no way he was going to lose him.

When he got upstairs a kitsune kicked Derek, making him stumble back down the stairs. Derek let out a groan as he fell onto the bottom floor, but got up almost instantly before growling out at the Kitsune. The kitsune walked down the steps and pulled it's mask down as he smirked at the alpha.

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