Chapter22-The Cocky and The Hurt

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"So, how's your wound?" I asked Logan, who was currently in a hospital bed. Ryan was only two doors away from us, which is an unsettling thought.

"I'm fine." He grumbled. "Where's Ryder?"

"He's visiting Ryan." I answered. Honestly, what does Ryder see in Ryan? Sure, they're both assholes, but I doubt Ryder would actually beat up a girl. However, I do not know him well, so I shouldn't speak so highly of him.

"He's visiting that prick? What an idiot." Logan seemed genuinely upset about this.

"Would you rather he visit you?" I asked out of curiosity.

"No. I couldn't care less what he does." I nodded in understanding. Logan is lying, I could tell. He wants Ryder to be with him, not Ryan the prick.

"Okay, well....guess what happened to the dog!" I said excitedly. I love dogs, really I do, but this dog crossed the line and I pretty much hate him.


"He's been taken the dog pound. The police man wasn't sure if he should let the dog live or not." I stated. I was happy they didn't kill the dog, that's just cruel, but I didn't want the dog to be unpunished.

Logan huffed. "It's Ryan who should be punished." He said. I couldn't agree more with him.

"Yeah, well life is unfair and we just have to deal with it." I said with a sigh.

"Wow, I never thought I'd hear you say something so... not you." He said with the cutest smirk.

"Maybe you shouldn't judge instantly." I argued.

Sadly he didn't argue back because all he said was, "True."

A comfortable silence fell upon us. It wasn't awkward because it's just Logan. I never really feel awkward with him because he just isn't an awkward person and neither am I. I don't think I am anyway.

"Jackie?" He asked, breaking the comfortable silence.

"Mmm?" I hummed without looking up at him.

"I'm sorry..." Now I looked up at him. He wasn't looking at me, instead he was staring at his fidgeting hands.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"I'm sorry for not trusting you. I beloved Ryder when he told me you read my diary. I don't know what was wrong with me-I mean who the hell believes Ryder?!" His apology was sincere and about Ryder, he only told the truth.

"It's okay. I'm not mad and I don't think I ever really was. I was more upset because I don't want to..." I trailed off, too embarrassed to finish my sentence.

"You don't want to what?" Logan's voice held complete curiosity and a but of humor.

"Idon'twanttoloseyou." I said in a rushed sentence.

"I'm sorry, what?" He asked with a smirk. Kill me now....

"I said...I. Don't. Want. To. Lose. You!" I exclaimed slowly, making hand gestures to him like I would to a child. I didn't dare look up, for I am too embarrassed.

I felt the blood rush to my face and I started to fidget. He isn't saying nothing...

Out of nowhere I feel arms wrap around me and pull me into a chest. I smiled at his reaction.

"I don't want to lose you either." He whispered in my ear. I felt his lips touch my cheek and enjoyed every moment of it.

"Logan?" I whispered in his ear.


"You're so cheesy." I exclaimed. He pulled back from our hug and glared at me playfully, causing me to giggle.

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"Don't forget who started the cheesy moment." He stated back with a smirk.

I huffed and hugged him again. God I'm so glad this sexy man is all mine!

**A Week Later**

"Ryder, get out." Logan ordered his twin angrily.

"You seem to forget, this is my house too." Ryder exclaimed with a smirk.

Yesterday Logan was let go from the hospital. He's leg is in a cast still, apparently the dog bit him really hard. Hard enough to break his bone. Anyway, Ryder still visits Ryan, who is also out of the hospital. The difference between Logan being out of the hospital and Ryan out of the hospital, is that Ryan is in jail.

Yup, that son of a bitch got what he deserved. I'm not sure what's up with Lucy, and I feel bad about that. Yeah, she ditched me when I was just a baby, but I'm sure she's suffered enough for her mistake.

I'm thinking of visiting her. I want to try and know her better. Now that Ryan is out of the way, it can't be so hard.

"Ryder, you supported the asshole who let his dog attack me. You aren't welcome here. I'm sure mom and dad can agree." Logan stated with anger. Past the anger Logan held, you could tell he was hurt bad from his brothers betrayal.

"Wow Logan, how can you just kick your brother out like that?" Ryder was trying real hard to push Logan's buttons.

"Did I not just say that you let a man's dog attack me?" Logan spat out.

"No I didn't. It seems your memory is unclear, dearest brother. I got the dog away from you and your little girlfriend." Ryder said. Behind Ryder's cockiness, you could tell he was hurt as well. I would be hurt as well because Logan fail to see how Ryder actually helped.

Yes, Ryder is a jerk who is friends with my cruel uncle and the man who let his dog attack both Logan and I, but he also loves Logan.

"You're friends with him, Ryder." Logan stated, more calmly now. I think Logan sees that Ryder indeed saved him, but he is too cocky(like his brother) too admit it.

"What's wrong with having friends? Look, I'll leave, but don't you dare judge my friends without actually knowing them." Ryder said with a voice full of anger. His cockiness seemed to disappear.

"You're right, I don't know Ryan enough to judge him. But Jackie does, and I believe in her judgement." Logan glanced at me for a second before looking back at Ryder.

"What the hell does she know? She's just some stupid girl who likes to act like a badass." Oh hell no. Before Logan could try and hurt his brother, I got up from the living room couch and punched Ryder across his face.

"Fuck you." Was all I said before storming out of the house.

How dare he judge me like that? After his speech on judging people you don't know, he judged me.

I know he doesn't realize that Ryan had beat me up that one day, but again, he shouldn't judge because he doesn't know me.


"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I yelled out at my brother. I wasn't worried that my younger siblings would hear me because they were all at some friends house.

"What? It's the truth. What would she know about someone like Ryan!? She is not the type of person to hang around people like him, and for that matter, people like me." Ryder was really pissing me off.

"Ryder, what was that you had just said about judging people without knowing them?" I said while cupping my ear for effect.

"It's not hard to know what kind of person Jackie is." He stated with a shrug.

"How well do you even know Ryan?" I asked, honestly curious.

"Well enough to know that you guys must have provoked him for him to try and hurt you guys." He really is clueless.

"You really don't know what you're saying." I was really getting more angry by the second. Yes, it hurt to know that my own brother trusts that asshole more than me, but I was more pissed than hurt.

"Yes I do know what I'm saying-"

"Did you know that Ryan is Jackie's uncle?" I asked. I felt bad because this was Jackie's story to tell, but I want Ryder to see what kind of person Ryan is.

"What?" He asked, a look of complete confusion in his face.

"Yes, Ryan is Jackie's uncle and guess what else? He beat her up for trying to see her mother." Okay, I was telling too much information on Jackie's life. I need to stop.

"That's not true-"

"Yes it is." I jumped in surprise at Jackie's sudden voice. Ryder turned around to look at Jackie, who stood behind him.

"Why don't you both stop lying?" I could tell Ryder was getting frustrated.

"Believe what you'd like, but Ryan is my uncle and his wife is my mom." Jackie stated with no emotion on her face.

"I'm done with you guys. I'll leave this stupid place, so don't worry." With that said, Ryder walked upstairs, I'm guessing to gather his stuff before leaving.

I looked at Jackie and smiled. She returned the smile with one of her sexy ones. I motioned for her to come sit on my lap.

She walked over to me and gently sat down on my lap, careful not to hurt my broken leg.

"You know, it's okay for him to stay here. I wouldn't want you guys to be separated." She whispered into my ear.

"I actually think this is for the best. I feel that if he has enough time to think about what we told him, he'd understand better." I whispered back, all while nibbling on her ear.

"If you think so." This time she nibbled on my ear, making me hold back a moan. God she's so perfect.

I pulled her closer to me and gently grabbed her chin, turning it towards my face. I smiled at her before launching my lips onto hers.

I can't ever get enough of her.


Hello beautiful people! Yes, this story is soon to be over, however, not to worry! There's still that spinoff I mentioned a lot!!!

I'm hoping on the last chapter to have everything cleared up, so please, do comment on the things that are still not clear to you guys and I will make sure to clear it up.

~Lesley Perez<3

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