The crew had been on leave for a few weeks now. As they feared, there was a coup at the S.H.I.E.L.D. base. Coulson escaped, and they have kept loose contact with him. They also learned that they had finally found out where the most powerful head of Hydra, Wolfgang Von Strucker, was hiding out at. They didn't deal with it personally, but the Avengers did. They also learned that the two S.H.I.E.L.D. groups unified.
Ezra and Sabine were working to figure out any way to defeat Maul in case he found them. They also did research about him. They discovered that he and Ezra share quite a few similarities in their pasts. Their parents were killed by a mysterious figure, they went to S.H.I.E.L.D. for somewhat of a fresh start. Heck, they even both became part of a black-ops sector. The only difference was that while Maul joined Hydra, Ezra remained loyal to S.H.I.E.L.D.
Ezra figured that they had a form of Harry Potter, Lord Voldemort connection. Where they are so similar, it was easy for him to take control. And with Maul's new powers, they could not see any way of defeating him. Their only hope would be for a sniper to be so well hidden that he would never tell where he might be killed at.
After reporting to Kanan what they discovered about Maul, the two agents went on a walk. Going down one of the trails, they heard it. Several quin-jet soaring over head. They ran back to tell the team that they were under attack. When they arrived, they saw that they were already engaged in a firefight. They both drew their weapons and joined the fray. There were about 50 Hydra agents, and they saw a terrifying figure leading them. Maul. After several minutes of shooting, the Hydra agents, with the exception of Maul, were all down.
Maul looked directly at Ezra. He stretched out his hand, but Ezra felt nothing happening to him. He looked to his left and saw Sabine floating and grasping at her throat, as if being choked by some invisible hand. Ezra shot twice at Maul, but he deflected both shots with his sword. Kanan charged him from behind, which got Maul's full attention. He dropped Sabine who took deep breaths of air. Ezra charged at Maul, who knocked Kanan back by some telekinetic force, and stretched his hand to Ezra. The searing pain he had felt when Maul first controlled him returned. Ezra screamed in pain as he started trying to resist. Sabine quickly ran to him to see his eyes actively transitioning from blue to green.
He was falling under Maul's control.
"Ezra," she whispered to him as she hugged him tightly, "even if you don't get him out, I will still love you."
She separated to look into his eyes. They were yellow, but didn't have the red around the irises yet. They then slowly started to transition back to green.
"No," cried Maul, "NO!"
Ezra's eyes finally turned blue again. He collapsed on the ground. Sabine looked directly at Maul, with a pistol raised. Maul took inventory of the situation. He reached into his pocket and dropped a smoke bomb. With the distraction, he walked calmly, yet silently raging, to one of the quin-jets. He then took off, clearing the smoke.
Ezra came too several hours later. Sabine was sitting in a chair next to his bed. He looked over to her and smiled warmly. She got up and went to Ezra. She kissed him on the cheek before going to her bed.
"Sleep well," Sabine said, "tomorrow, we are going back to base."
"I will," he responded, "thanks to you."
They fell asleep staring at each other, knowing that within the next few months, they would be married, and there would no longer be anything to separate them.
Epilogue coming soon.

Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. 2
FanfictionSeven months after joining the new S.H.I.E.L.D., the P.H.O.E.N.I.X. S.Q.U.A.D. is adjusting rather nicely. Hera and Kanan are happily married, Sabine and Ezra have been strong together, Zeb has been training new recruits, and Chopper is still his an...