Our Ups and Downs Chapter 2

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--------Time skip Three weeks--------

--------Toshiro's POV--------

When I woke up I could tell that it was early in the morning. Rangiku was asleep beside my bed. Wait, what happened. The last thing I remember was walking around during the reception talking to the guests. How long have I been asleep.

Apparently Rangiku felt my spiritual pressure because she woke up fairly quickly. When she saw that I was awake, she screamed, "HEY, GUYS, CAPTAIN HITSUGAYA IS FINALLY AWAKE!!" Then my room was flooded with people. I paid no attention to them though. There was one person that I was searching for.

"Where's Karin? I need to see her," Everyone was quiet when I asked the question about Karin. "What is going on? Where is she?" The only person who could tell me what happened was Momo.

"Shiro, Karin is in a coma," I was shocked. She is in a coma.

"What do you mean by 'in a coma?'" I asked her.

"Shiro, I mean that she is in a state where she can't wake up right now." Momo told me.

"How long has she been in a coma? When did she go into a coma? What can I do to help?" I asked Momo all of these questions. I just wanted to know what was going on with my wife.

"She has been in a coma for about tree weeks, she went into one while you were beginning to recover from your injuries, all you can do for now is be by her side and hope that she can wake up." Wow. She answered those questions fairly quickly. It was like she knew that I was going to ask those questions.

"Can I go see her?" I asked the group. Isshin nodded. They prepared me a wheelchair and rolled me down to Karin's bed. "Karin," I whispered as if I didn't want to wake her up. I grabbed her hand. "Come on, Karin, I know you can wake up. Please wake up and tell me what is going on."

She stayed asleep. I gripped her hand even tighter, then I spoke,  "Come on, Karin. Wake up. I know that you have the strength to wake up. Please, wake up."

Suddenly, her eyes fluttered open. "Karin, are you awake?" She nodded. She still couldn't speak because she had a tube going down her throat.

"Uh...Toshiro, can I talk to you for a minute?" Isshin asked me. I nodded. Why does he need to talk to me?

"Yes, Mr. Kurosaki," It looked like he had something bad to say to me.

"I just wanted to tell you that there are two things going on with Karin. One, she has a potentially fatal disease. The other thing is that..." Isshin paused.

"Well, spit it out. What is it?" I told him. I just wanted to get the bad news over with.

"The other thing is that..."

--------Karin's POV--------

When I woke up, Toshiro was right beside me in a wheelchair. "Karin, are you awake?" He asked me. I couldn't speak because there was a tube in my throat, so I nodded. Then Dad came out and asked Toshiro if her could have a word with him.

I am just so tired.  I don't know why I am so tired. I just woke up. My eyes are trying so desperately to close so I can go back to sleep. A few minutes later, I decided to give in and go to sleep. I don't know how much time passed before I woke up again.

When I awoke, Toshiro was still in the wheelchair. Now he was asleep. I wonder what him and my dad talked about before I went to sleep. About ten minutes after I some up, Rangiku came into the room. "Hey, Sleepy head." She was as perky and happy as usual.

I didn't want to speak because of the tube. Then I realized that the tube was gone. "Hey, Rangiku," I said. My voice was still a bit hoarse from not talking for awhile.

"So, are you still a little shaky from what happened at the reception?" I looked at her with a confused look. I have no idea what happened. The last thing that I remember is dancing with Ichigo at the reception.

"What happened exactly?" I asked her. She just stared at me with shock.

"What do you mean 'what happened?' Don't you remember what happened?" I shook my head. "Don't you remember? Someone shot Toshiro. You and your dad tried to help him recover. You couldn't handle it. You came back outside. Then your dad came out to tell us how he was doing. Then you collapsed." I shook my head again. How can I not remember any of this?

Then Toshiro woke up. "I see that you are awake and rested." I smiled at him. Even when he makes the smallest comments, they go a long way. To make sure that I wouldn't go back to sleep, I sat up in my bed.

"OK, I think that Uryuu needs me to help him make an outfit for Rukia. Bye." I was confused. OK, how long have I been asleep? Either Rangiku is lying, or Ichigo and Rukia are now a couple. I hope it is the first option. I would rather have Rangiku lie to me than have my brother date Rukia when he told me that it wouldn't happen in a million years.

"Well, she is surely acting weird lately," That comment made Toshiro laugh. I don't know now long it has been since I have heard him laugh.


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