Chapter Seven

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The next day, I decided to walk to school rather than take my bike. Taking my bike to school would only get me to school sooner. I was kind of nervous to face Tracey and Hanna again. They were in my homeroom and I sat right in between them. It was going to extremely nerve wracking to sit with them considering they were both mad at me.

        On my long walk to school, I couldn't help but wonder about Mikes past. What did he mean by taking those kids mini golfing? Did he have some kind of awful past? Was he their step brother, did his parents have a divorce? I didn't know. Part of me wanted to find out. And I will.

       "Okay Sarah" I mutter to myself "Today, you are going to find out Mikes past. If you find out, you'll know why he always acts upset all the time"

       Then, the wind started to get colder and the sunny sky got covered with clouds. Great, the one day I walk to school, a storm rolls in. I didn't remember any storms happening today. That's when I saw a cloud lower down in front of me. I immediately thought it was a tornado. So I ran to the nearest ditch I could find. I was so confused why this tornado was even here because we don't even get any tornados in Rhode Island. Most of all, I was scared for my life. And that's when I saw Steve get out of the cloud.

       "Steve?!" I yelled "Is this how you're going to approach me every time you talk to me?!"

       "Maybe" said Steve, looking calmly at my scared face

       "What do you want?!"

   "I've came here to warn you" said Steve "It's about Mikes past"

       "Why would you warn me? I thought that you were supposed to let things go on with this mission"

       "Well, God told me that if I didn't try to help you on this mission, he was going to fire me from my job as Father Time" said Steve

       "Fire you?!"

       "Yes, and if I get fired, I lose my mansion in heaven and it's beautiful so I'm just going to warn you whenever something bad could happen"

       It felt crazy to think that Steve controlled time and worked for God. He actually got paid by God and has a mansion. I didn't know if they had money in heaven, however, the whole thing sounded crazy to me.

       "What do you have to warn me about?" I asked

       "Don't force Mike to talk about his past" said Steve "It's going to really get to him"

       Believe it or not, I didn't want to see Mike upset. Wow, that's a thought I'd never thought I would ever have.

       "What happened to Mike?" I asked

       "God didn't want me to tell you" said Steve "It would make everything turn out differently. Just, don't get upset at Mike if he starts getting mean. I know you won't believe it, Mike actually likes you"

      I think that thought blew my mind more than the time I thought Mike was a father. Mike actually likes me. I didn't even know what to think. I didn't like him like that. And now that he had a bad past, it would be harder to reject him. Maybe I should put my worries about how bad of a boyfriend he will be aside. Yeah, I can't do that.

       "He likes me?" I asked in shock "Like, has a crush on me?"

       "No!" yelled Steve "Not like that! Not yet anyways. Forget that last part. Mike likes you as a friend. Part of him is grateful that someone is giving him a chance. He won't admit it however. Not even to himself"

      I was a bit less shocked about him liking being my friend. Mike having a crush on me would be a whole new problem. What did Steve mean by not yet?


      "What did you mean by not yet?" I asked "Will he like like me"

       "Not for a while" assured Steve "And you will like him first"

  Seriously, did Steve have to tell me that? That just made things like ten times more awkward. I didn't like Mike yet so ha to him I guess.

       Then, Steve took out a golden chain and waved it in front of my face. He was hypnotizing me.

       "You are getting sleepy" started Steve "Very sleepy"

       I was indeed getting sleepy. Soon, I collapsed on the dirt road, losing my consciousness. All of a sudden, I wake up in front of my school and Steve dropped me once my eyes opened. I guess I saved myself a walk

       "What did I tell you?" asked Steve

   "That you are going to get fired by God if you don't help me and that I shouldn't ask Mike about his past" was all I could remember. How come I just lost my memory like that? What happened to me?

       "Alright Sarah, have a good day at school!" said Steve

       Then, Steve snapped his fingers and disappeared. The sky above all of a sudden started to clear up and it was sunny again. I tried to remember what happened before I fell asleep. I couldn't. It was as if Steve hypnotized me. It was kind of a cool thought. I was hypnotized.

        It was time to go into homeroom and face Tracey and Hanna. I was sitting smack in between them. They were hovering in front of me, talking about the prom. How Hanna denied that she liked Rodger, who was going to be her date and how Tracey was panicking that James haven't asked her to the prom yet, who actually will ask. I missed talking to them, especially about boys.

        "James will ask you to the prom" I said, hoping to be in the conversation

        Tracey and Hanna turned to me in anger and disgust

       "Sorry, we don't talk to traitors" said Hanna

       "Is James going to really ask me to the prom?" asked Tracey

       "Tracey!" yelled Hanna

      "Sorry" muttered Tracey

         Well, at least I got Tracey forgiving me a little.

       "Why are you betraying us for... ugh, Mike?" asked Hanna with a disgusted look on her face "You shouldn't be keeping secrets from us"

       I just sat there, trembling in my seat, wishing to myself that I could tell them the whole thing, about Steve, and the mission. However, something was stopping from telling them. I don't know why but I went with my gut 

       "Oh, I know why" said Tracey "Sarah doesn't want to admit it"

       "Admit what?" I asked

       "That you like Mike" squealed Tracey as she waved her shoulders up and down

        Again, I was extremely embarrassed. Why does everyone keep thinking there's something between us? Were barely even able to be friends. I admit, it was really embarrassing me that everyone keeps making that assumption. It puts all the false and scary thoughts in my head. Just because a guy and a girl hang out together doesn't mean they like each other.

       "Ew, no!" I yelled "I don't like Mike"

       "Well then, why do you keep sitting with him?" asked Hanna "You could tell us if you like Mike. I mean, Tracey told you she likes James and I told you I liked Rodger"

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