Ch. 09

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"I ran from that cottage, house, apartment, whatever you wanted to call it. I ran. I took all my belongings, grabbed my sister's hand and ran. We ran for days, only stopping when we needed to. We never paid a thing. I conjured food, water, clothes, supplies when we needed it.

"I think we had walked halfway across the county before we met Simi. I found her trying to eat a cow. I knew who she was and when I called her name she was ready to attack me. She hadn't eaten in two days. It was becoming harder for her to keep human form.

"Apollymi had told me whenever I was around a Charonte was to show them my true eye color. So I did. Simi is a smart demon and understood that I was your daughter. I had conjured her her own cow and she devoured it. I had to make three more for her to be full.

"She say the connection between all of us. Artemis was my mother. You were my father. Kat was my sister. She saw it all. She helped us get across the country safely. When we arrived on the west coast we started over. I was aged enough to get a job. I made Lily stay home and made sure no one asked questions.

"I put a protection around the house. Since she was vulnerable to anything and didn't know how to defend herself I made her stay in the safety of the house. I knew how to use my powers to keep me safe, somewhat. I later on searched for the father that abandoned us. I had gotten the news of my mother's death four years earlier.

"I thought when he saw me he'd welcome me with open arms. Boy was I wrong. That day I told Lily what I planned to do. She told me to forget it and leave it alone. I didn't. She said if I went to go after him she wouldn't let me back into the house. I took my chances.

"That very night I died. After having an argument at my father's doorstep I walked away. I was in the middle of town. I was sitting on a bench when Simi showed up again. She told me you let her go because you were with my mother. She offered to buy me food and go shopping for diamonds.

"I refused and stared my walk home. I was at my own doorstep was being refused entry into my own home. I had decided to sleep on the porch. I was just lying there, helpless, venerable. I didn't know what my sister was planning. I didn't think she would actually do it, but she did.

"She drove the knife right through my heart. I knew then what had happened." I took a giant breath.

"My own sister killed me. She wanted me dead over something I had no control over. She forgot about our curse. She forgot that if I died, so did she. She didn't care. She was driven by jealousy, the want to have something that she couldn't.

"If I was the one born with the corrupted heart, she would've had the powers. She would be the one having to take care of me. She would've had to make sure nothing happened to either of us. I doubt she would've been able to do that. She was never really a strong person. She tried, but it was never her forte.

"I don't see her being able to do what I did for her. She never knew how to do anything, but get in trouble. I was the one who took all the punishments when she made a mess of things. I was the one who asked for lessons on self-defense. I was the one who protected her from being trampled by a chariot oh-so-many times. I was the one who took the blame of scaring one if Hera's peacocks. I was the one who took the wrath of Zeus.

"And how did she repay me? She killed me. She stabbed me, literally. She tore my heart in half with a knife. She walked away and died in peace. I was the one with a knife lodged in her chest having to bear the pain. She died peacefully. She just played down on the floor knowing death was coming. She put the coin in her own mouth so she would be able to cross over the river.

"I called out to my mother before I died. She saw me and then the proof of my betrayal was evident. My soul screamed out as I was lying there before my mother. My eyes were open as I asked her to take my soul. She did and cried as she did. She asked me about my AOV, but I told her it was already done.

"I made her leave me. I made her leave knowing you'd be here any minute to show me hwo to survive. I told her to leave and she said she'd always be there for me. Out of all the years I've lived, I never once called on her. I didn't need to, not until that day. I forced her away because I felt your presence coming closer.

"I stood up and walked over to the window. I peered inside and looked at my sister's lifeless body. The only thing was I imagined it was me. I had wished myself dead instead. I was alive and she wasn't. The curse proved itself true. I died, so did she. I was revived and she wasn't. I felt bad that my sister was driven to the point to implant a knife into my chest.

"Then you showed up. You flashed in behind me and I refused to show you my true eye color. I changed it that second before I turned to you. I looked you in the eyes with my eyes the color of a true Dark-Hunter. Whilst you trained me I made sure to never falter. I never once let that color slip.

"After those hundred years you offered me to go home. Not knowing it was my real home. Apollymi made me Well aware that if I were to ever cross the threshold I would be changed. There would be no denying who I was. That's why I hesitated. Once I walked over I was transformed.

"I wasn't wearing my clothes anymore, I was in a traditional formesta like yours. My own sign being shown upon it. A mixture of your own and my mother's. The sun also being pierced my an arrow. The bow being set over the bolts with the quiver behind it.

"The look on everyone's face was priceless. Only Kat and Simi knew who I was. If my uncle Styxx was there he'd have known who I was. Simi had brought him over one day when you were training another DH. He didn't know at first, but I let my powers falter. He saw the color and knew what I was. He sensed my powers and knew I was destruction.

"Then he saw something I never let anyone see. He saw straight through me. He knew I was never to be. His first question was when did my sister kill me. I answered him and he walked toward me. I was sitting on a rock. He came down to my level and looked at my face. He saw the tears collecting in my eyes. The only reason they were there was because it was then that I knew that he had it worse then you.

"He wiped away my tears as they fell. He was the first person to comfort me in such a way. I trusted him then and that was when I did something I kind of regret. I showed him my past. He saw that you never knew who I was. He saw me trying to fight off many things. He was rising with anger and I knew I had made a mistake.

"Once I was finished he hugged me and I savored it. I thought that this was the closest thing I'd have to a fatherly embrace. I held that to my heart and when he asked Simi to help him I didn't question what he was doing. I knew he was going after all the men that actually tried to touch me.

"I- still to this day- am pure. I never let anyone close enough to do anything to me. If they got too close for my liking I broke their arm. If they actually laid a hand on me lost an arm. Styxx practically did the same thing, only he killed and tortured.

"His actions were justified completely. He was getting vengeance on people that I couldn't go after personally. My death had already gone across the country. They never expected to have that coming to them, but they did.

"Styxx loved me like his own daughter. When he knew you were gone he'd visit me. We'd stay in the cave and just tell stories. He for over seventy years was my father. Only now do I think of him as my uncle, but even then.

"I'm sorry that I told you all of this, but you needed to know." I finish

He only nods his head

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