My step-sister, Lucy, was obsessed with a band I’d never heard of she would have their music deafening my brother, Aaron, and my ears.
Aaron and I stayed in the same room.
My mum, Trisha, recently had a stroke and died. It was an unexpected shock as she was as healthy as a carrot. The only person we could live with was our dad, Paul, and step-mum, Laura..
We had our bedroom split in half with a sheet hanging from the roof. We don’t have much room but when one of us wants a friends over we have to use Lucy’s room. Her walls were covered in posters of the band she loves and you couldn’t see a piece of white wall at all.
“Turn that shit off” Aaron yelled from across the house. “Make me” Lucy squealed in defence.
I walked into Lucy’s room to see what she was doing. Lucy had her hair brush in her hand and was singing along. “You don’t know you’re beautiful” Lucy sang.
I walked over to her cd player and turned it down.
“Hey!!!” Lucy began.
“What?” I quizzed her.
“You turned One Direction down” Lucy squealed. One Direction was the name of the band she was in love with.
“One Direction? What sort of band name is that?” I chuckled.
“The best band in the world’s band name to be precise. “ she said defending them.
“what are you? 5?” I asked her. She hit me on the arm with her hair brush and started running to Laura.
“Mum, Bree just called me 5” Lucy shouted running down the hall.
I was walking back to my room when Lucy ran towards me poking her tongue out at me. “ner ner. You have to go see Mum” she teased.
“What for? Telling the truth?” I retaliated. Lucy ran off back into her room turning her music up.
I was walking to the kitchen where Laura was making dinner.
“Bree I know its been 2 weeks since……” “don’t say it. Please don’t say it” I cut Laura off.
I shot Laura a look of disrespect and went to my room. I jumped on my bed and started crying.
My pillow was on top of my head shielding my face from anyone that walked in.
“Bree, are you alright?” Aaron asked form the other side of the room. I wiped my tears away from my face and began to speak.
“Aaron I… I had no idea you were in here” a lump in my throat gave away that I had been crying.
“Have you been crying?” Aaron asked as if he didn’t already know.
“Aaron, Laura just brought up the subject of… of” tears started to run down my face before I could finish my sentence. Aaron had emerged from his side if the room and sat on the bed next to me wrapping his arms tightly around me.
“no need to say anymore, you may be older then me but you knew mum better” Aaron said burying his head in the nook of my neck.
“Aaron how can you be so calm about this? Its been 2 weeks and nothing could be worse” I said with tears in my eyes.
“sis, sometimes in life everything happens for a reason. I think that the reason for mum’s death was for us to become tighter as a family. You and I have never been this close before, now look at us.” Aaron said comforting me.
Before mum’s death Aaron and I couldn’t even look each other in the eye without making snide comments.
“We never spoke to dad, and we didn’t even know we had a step-mum or sister, until 2 weeks ago. If dad had died we would still be the same, but because mum was there with us every step we took, we didn’t want to lose her. Now shes gone, you and I are as close as we could ever be, because we both know what each other has been through and we know neither of us would survive.“ Aaron said as if he was the eldest child.
“I should be saying this to you, Aaron.” I said trying to smile through my tears.
Aaron took my hand and led me out to the lounge where he put on my favourite movie, grease.
"What's this movie?" Lucy asked me just as Olivia and John were Singing.
"This is Grease, have you seeen it before?" i asked her.
A squeal echoed through my ears for 2 minutes. "what was that about?" i looked at lucy with a confused look.
"Grease....... It's Louis and Niall's favourite movie." she squealed.
"And they are?" I said raising my eyebrows.
"As if you dont know that, they are members of One Direction." She looked at me with a smile on her face.
"Well, sit down, be quiet and enjoy the movie." i said tapping the spare seat next to me.
Lucy walked over and sat resting her head on my arm.

Unexpected Encounter
Teen FictionBree was an ordinary girl living her life until her mum died and now her brother, Aaron and her are forced to live with their step-mum, dad, and step-sister. Lucy, her step-sister, is obssesed with a band she's never heard of she runs into them unex...