Ms Nella: Okay, this here is the library room (she said leading us to a red door that had "Do Not Disturb" on it).
Danny: (Whispers to Gracie) Girl look this whole entire shelf is voodoo and witch craft books.
Kendelle: Uhh Ms Nella are you into that witch stuff??
Ms Nella: (She looks at me like I asked the wrong thing) My sister is.*Ms Nella sister comes*
Linda: Why the hell are they here??!! (Her voice was deep and hoarse she wore black and her black cardigan with a hoodie covered her eyes. She was also very tall)
Anastasia: (Backed back behind Sebastian.
Ms Nella: Go back downstairs now!*Everyone ran and didn't think twice about looking back*
Danielle: See this is why we should have stayed in the van KJ (Groans and lays her head on Ryder).
Rochelle: What the hell was that about Kendelle? Kendelle: (Breathing hard and looking confused). Its weird I know but this is all we have.
Tay: (Holding her stomach) ouch!
Aedan: If it has to come down to this then I'm goin to have to speak my mind to this lady..this is some crazy shit KJ.
Gracie: Right and this is why we don't go in houses located in the middle of nowhere.
Danielle: Yes AND with no cell service and creepy woods and creepy old ladies and most importantly there is NO WAY OUT!
Kendelle: Hey Hey Hey! Calm the f*ck down. There has to be a logical explanation.
Gracie&Danielle: Like What? ( Everyone faces KJ)
Ryder: Well I'm starting to think they are just weird, crazy sisters.
Sebastian: Might be. Besides what if things get worse than this?
Kendelle: (Rolls eyes) Look everyone the new woman who I'm assuming is Ms Linda is probably just very protective of that room remember what Ms Nella said about those books and the sign on the door before we entered?
Anastasia: Or maybe she's just doin some weird shit in that room and don't want anyone to be in there.
Kendelle: Look guys just brush it off..oh shhh here comes Ms Nella.
Ms Nella: Oh sweethearts I'm so sorry about my sister she was just very protective of that room, she loves those books, they were the last thing she has left of her grandmother.
Angie: Yea but what's up with the witch craft books?
Ms Nella: Excuse me?
Anastasia: Why are there witch craft books up there.. There were more of them than any other book.
Ms Nella: (Frowns the most evil frown) That's none of your business is it.
Anastasia:But hell you the one who led us to the rooms and they were out in the open so..
Sebastian: Ana knock it off. Look Ms we don't mean to upset you.
Ms Nella: Well Well (She said smiling slowly) Who's ready to see their rooms (She said clapping her hands)
Kendelle: (Whispers to Ang) She seems a little bipolar too don't ya think.
Angie: Hell yea. She's angry now but when we do or say something to piss her off its another damn story. But hey I guess we can stay here a little while.
Danielle: (Whispers to Gracie and KJ) The first I get I'm leaving and taking Ryder and Sebby with me.
Kendelle: (Looks at Danny) Are those the only two people you care about in this situation. (Scoffs) like always.
Danielle: Look sis you KNOW your coming too. (Grabs Kj's arm)
Kendelle: (Pulls arms off) Its whatever just let it go k.
Danielle: My sisters mad at me I guess (shrugs shoulders)
Gracie: She'll cool off. Its not the time or the place Danny.
Ms Nella: Come young ones..come pick your rooms.
Angie:Will we be side by side?
Ms Nella: Well the rooms are spaced out a bit. Yes you will be seperated and that's great!! Haha (claps again)
Sebastian: (Whispers) Don't y'all think that's a Lil strange?
Danielle: Hell yea but try to stick with it okay.
Tay: (Whispers to Aedan)
Look I do want to be somewhere else right now but Im tired and my ankles are swelling.
Aedan: (Kisses Tay's forehead) It'll be okay princess I promise.
Ms Nella: This is a big house with a lot of rooms but pick wisely. He he
Kendelle: Yes..mam (Kj said nervously)
Rochelle: Umm Nella when are we going to eat I'm starving.
Ms Nella: I will have dinner ready in a hour dear now you and your friends settle down and I almost forgot...Do Not go in the library again.
Rochelle: Oh we know that trust me.
Ms Nella: Also..Do Not go in the last three rooms on the left.
Angie: What's in those rooms?
Ms Nella: Do Not GO IN TH-
Kendelle: Okay okay mam we got it okay I promise.
Ms Nella: Good sweety ( Heads down the stairs)
Kendelle: I want the room with the brown door (Kj opened her rooms so that her friends could see.. the rooms were made with Kendelle's name and Angie's name on it like she they knew which room she was going to choose). That's'd she know we-.
Danielle: What the hell this is some real weird shit.
Anastasia: Look guys maybe she did it while she was upstairs with Ms Linda.*Everyone knew something was wrong but they agreed with Ana anyway*
Danielle: Me and Ryder sharing.
Tay: (Holds on to Aedans arm) Aedan and I.
Kendelle: Okay Sebby and Ana you two are sharing. And Grace pick your own room.
Gracie: Fine with me.
Anastasia: Can I have a room by myself?
Kendelle: No Ana we need to stick together okay.
Anastasia: Well how come Gracie gets her own room??
Gracie: I'm not friends with many people so yup.
Ryder: Look guys me and Danielle need to talk we'll see you guys at dinner ok? ( Grabs Danny's arm and pulls her in their room.
Tay: well we know what they are planning (Grins)
Rochelle: Ewwwe..*Rochelle comes into Kendelle's *
Rochelle: Kj Wassup with you and your sister?
Kendelle: Nothing Why?
Rochelle: It didn't Look like nothing KJ.
Kendelle: I'll tell you later okay but right now I want to rest my eyes I'm getting a headache.
Rochelle: I'm coming back now (Grins) oh I know.

Lost And Never Found
HorrorKendelle and her friends decide to go on a little camping trip but when their car break down in the woods and their stranded they turn to two old ladies who seemed normal at first but wasn't will they survive this paranormal Massacre..find out for...