Breaking And Entering (ALMOST!)

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This is my second random post.

So a while ago, me and two of my good friends, _Dark_Insanity_ and petewentz13 , went on a class "Bike Hike" all the way to Main Street.  When we got there, we were allowed to abandon the group and go shopping.  We spent about a quarter of our time looking for the "British Export" shop to buy some Doctor Who merchandise.  After we looked inside that store, we continued walking around the streets. We came across Five blue doors. Since we are stupid, we thought they were shops. So while one of my friends desperately tried to open the door, I noticed that there were NUMBERS ON THE DOORS.  We were technically trying to break into someone's apartment! I poked her on the shoulder to tell her, and as soon as she realized I was right, she BOLTED out of there.We all ran away from the scene.  But it wasn't over.  We passed those doors a lot.  And every time we did, we had to run, because petewentz13 kept knocking on all the doors.

It was a good day.  Also, there was a splash pond that we ran in so I had to bike home all WET and COLD. Didn't help that we were going to get ICE CREAM. Plus we got so close to getting lost.

And that's the end of my story. More random posts will be coming!

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