Our Story.

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*Dracos POV*

She is fall asleep. Time to watch her (  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ). Okno. Or yeah? Hmmm 7w7. I'm tired. But justalittlebit. Ok Draco! Stop!!!!


*Alpaquitas POV*

We went home with my gypsum on my broken leg. Draco is always helping me on the stairs and get me a walkerstick. When we went home, I saw the guys. They are talking.


F-Hey guys. How are you Alpaquita?

G-Yeah. ^^

Alp-I'm fine. Wachu doin'?


L-Nai started to tell us your and her story.

Alp-I WANT TO JOIIIIN!!!!!!-I yelled.

N-Then come here.-she said and waves me.

D-Amm... Can I ask?


D-How did you and Alpaquita met?


N-You know, we met each other in Instagram.

Alp-We don't really remember how. We just started chating...

N-And become good friends. I always make a live...

Alp-Diesel4Life-*I whispered*

N-H-yeah.-*she giggeling* And once, we got that idea then we started a story in English on Wattpad. About...

Alp-Falec 7w7. Nai get sooo many reader. And I'm sooo happy for her. And I love to read her story. She is a real weiter. She has her humorious personality and her amazing imagination and ideas.

N-Don't make me blush!!!! So. Alpaquitas srory is amazing too!

Alp-Not as amazing as yours!-I whispered.

N-Shut up. So we are always fangirling on each other story. Once, I liveing when Alpaquita is get mad and said so many things. I get really sad. After this, she always say "I'M SORRY😭😭😭" I accept it.






N-No but! Corner!

Alp-Hmph! ;w; -I said and go to the most closer corner.

N-And then, we are become Best friends! Once, we got that idea then, why don't we meet each other? Well it's a good idea but we live so far from each other. And then! We get that chance then we can choose a bew school. We choose the same school...


N-She means "named YandereHigh"


N-And we don't know it. We just noticed each other when we moved in. And we are just jumped on each other and hugged. And everyone say "Aaaaaw". And that's how we met. Right Ka-I mean Alpaquita? 😅

Alp-What did YOU SAY??????


Alp-If you tell them my real name. I will steal Diesel!!!!



Everyone started laughing.







Alp-Yes it is. rIgHT nAi??????

N-Y-yeaaaaaah 😅

We heared knocking sound.

F-Who is this?-she asked and open the door.-Oh, amm... Hey Evan!?

E-Hey guys^^

R-Whi is that hawt guy?-she whisperd to me.

Alp-Evan... >:v HISSSSH!!!

F-Well... Come on in.

A-Are you sure honey?

F-Yeah. I know he has a crush on me. But he is a friend.

A-You know what happend, right?

F-Yeah... I know... But it happend 2 mounth ago!

Alp-WE HEAR ANYTHIIING!!!!-I yelled for them.

*Rainbows POV*

OMMAGAWD HE IS SO HAWT!!!! Well... I think he has a girlfriend. BUTT!!!!! Imma badas sooooo! I can get him!!! Or not. ;w; BUTTT!!!! I love someone else...

*Evans POV*

The guys are all here. Wait. Alpaquitas has a gypsum on her leg. Well... Yeah. Wait. Who is this girl? Next to Alpaquita? I think I ask someone.

E-Hey Aly.

Aly-Wat? -.-

E-Can I ask you something?

Aly-If you want...

E-Who is she next to Alpaquita?

Aly-Oh. She? Her name is PaintingRainbows. Nicknamed Rainbow. She is on Funnehs crew. I really like her. I think we can become good friends like Funneh and Gold or Nai and Alpaquita. Or more then friends (  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

E-Huh. I see. Well thanks^^

Alpaquitas note'
i hOpE yOu gUyS eNJoY fOr ThIS cHApTeR aNd iF yOu lIkE iT PlEaSe vOTe aNd cOMmEnT.

And if you don't read my gurls story please start it rait naw!

What do you guys think, who is that person who is Rainbows crush? (  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

We will know it in the next chapter.

Love chu guys❤∆❤


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