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Harry's P.O.V-

I was calm on the outside, but panicking for Ella on the inside.Her arm was broken,her index and ring fractured,and a sprained wrist. She had also passed out. We were all worried, she is suppose to wake up any minute now. Madame Pomfery said she passed out from axiety. We're all worried. I was so angry for not protection her and for the idiot who hurt her,but the twins got him and Dumbeldedor gave him dention, because we found out it was on purpose and it was somebody in a differnt postion.Ella's hair was really sleek and black, with a white stike here and there. I was worried about her ,really worried. Poor mione was crying.."Harry come quick she's awake!" said a happy/worried Mione.


-Ella's P.O.V-

"When,do you think she'll wake up?" one voice said "Shh, did you see Harry's face. Poor dear,he most love her". another said. "He does, she loves him back just won't admit it tho!"another one. "Like Lily and James those two". said the next one. "Might need to be quiet, she gonna wake up soon, she's gonna kill us if she here's what we're talking about". the last said "To late" I said in a singa a song voice. I opended my eyes to reveal my lovely family. "Hello love. You alright, you arm is quit broken there." mum asked worryly. "It hurts, but I'll make it." I responded "Hey kiddo ! How ya feelin?" said my Uncle."Hey Uncle Remus. I feelin ok. How things been going?" I asked him with a smiled. "Hey sis!" I heard Charlie say. "Charlie! I thought you were in Romania?!?" I said. "Well, couldn't miss my little sis's first qudditich match". He smiled and ruffled my hair. "Ella,El". I heard five people scream. "HARRY,MI-MI,RON,GINNY,ANNA!". I screamed. Mi-mi came hug me,then Ron,Ginny, and then Anna. I will explain everything later. I got to Harry."Hey" he said in a whispered voice. "hey" I whispered back. "Oh come here you idiot' I whispered and pulled him into a hug."I'm sorry. I'm so sorrry!" I whispered to him. "It's ok! It wasn't your fault." he whispered back. I can tell behind me that everyone was in awe. Don't they have something better to do.


My arm and everything was know mended and everything was back to normal. Me and Anna became frineds, but I didn't tell her about everything. I've descided to go stay with Uncle Remus for the vacation (for americans it's Hoildays), but in 2 weeks The girls are going to come (Anna and Mi-Mi) and then, we are coming back. Mi-Mi and Anna are going back to their familes after the 2weeks, but I'm going back to help the boys with our NF(Nickalas Famel) problem. But, I won't explain that. This week I'm staying here for my uncle to get things ready the girls with the boys."I see you've packed" I heard Ron say. I turned around to see Mi-mi. I smiled towards her. "I see you haven't" she told Ron. "Change of plans. Mum and Dad are going to Romania to see Charlie". "Well, I'm going home. See you in 2 week El". She told me. "Oh please keep looking for Nicolas Famel while I'm gone". Ron responded," But, we looked everywhere already". I came over and smacked him on the back of the head. "Ow!" Mi-Mi, Harry, and I snickered. "Try the restricted section" she said back. I got up and hugged her," Bye Mi-Mi!"."Bye Ella!"


For the passed few day and still haven't got a chance to get to the restricted section. I'm leaving in 3 days! 3!!!! And what are we going to do. I awoke in the boys' (Is there a problem I'm in there!? didn't think so!) Any way I got up to see the boys were all gone. Great! Lord help me!


I walked down the stairs to see no one there. Where did they go!!!???!! I hurried and ran to my dorm to get ready for the day. After 30 minutes of getting ready I was done!

(Ella's Outfit-

I ran down to the common room and off to breakfast.

When I go there, I seen the boys pig out. Gross! I walked towards them and stopped in front them.

"Morning boys".

They turned their heads.

"Morning Ella!". They said with mouth fulled. I rolled my eyes.

"Oi! That's gross!". I yelled to them.

They swallowed and rolled their eyes too. I smirked and sat next to Harry. I grabbed an apple.

Their eyebrows raised.

"Is that all your gonna eat?"

"No wonder your so skinny!'.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks boys that's all girl needs to hear!".


-Leaving day-

I ran down stairs with my suitcase to the fire place in the common room. The boys were there.

"Merry christmas boys" (Not christams)

"Merry Christmas Ella"

'"See you guys later!" "Oh by the way don't forget about Nicolas Famel".

Then my Uncle Remus appared.

"Bye boys" "Bye". My uncle took my suitcase and we used floo powder and wnet home.


It was Anna,Mi-Mi, Uncle Remus, and I at some muggle buffet resturant. "So girls how's Hogwarts?",Uncle Remus asked us as we sat at the table with our food. We chorsed a "Good", to him. I look to see his eye brows raised. "Well, besides Ella falling asleep on Harry at night", Mi-Mi said out loud making the girls laugh and Uncle Remus to look at me, still with his eyebrow raised. "Oh is that so Ella?', he asked me. "Yea, I'm here' s a picture" said Anna butting in. She handed the picture to Uncle Remus. "Thanks Anna!", I mumbles. Which she heard and reply with a "Welcome". He looked at it still with his eyebrows raised. "By any chance is that boy's last name Potter?", he asked. How did he know that?!?1? "Yea, it is! How you now that?", I said to him. "I went to school with his parents! James and Lily Potter. His a spitting image of his father ,but has his mum's eyes!", he said He went to school with his parents. "You did?!? What about my mum and dad?", I asked He smiled and nodded. We all started laughing.

--------------------------------- Back at Hogwarts for me------------------------------------------------------

I had just gotten back. It was fun being with Uncle Remus. I actually call him Uncle Moony ,but not in public. He's scared about people figuring about his "FURRY LITTLE PROBLEM" I had just floo'd to Professor Dumbledor's office ,and know about to open the double-doors to the Great hall.I seen my two favorite first year boys. One with ginger hair and one with really messy, jet black hair. I started to run towards them. "HARRY, RUN!", "ELLA!". They screamed back at me. I soon as I got to, I put my stuff down. I hugged Ron first, then Harry ,who decided to pick me up and twirl me around! "I've missed you guys!" I told them with a smile on my face and a blush appear after Harry put me down. "So how was you boys' Christmas?". I asked them. I seen grins appear on their faces."Good!" they replied. "You got to see a gift Harry got Ella! Its an invisiblity cloak!", Ron whispered to me, making sure no one heard."Wicked gift Harry!!", I told him with a smile. "Yea I'll show you when we get to the common room!", He told me with a big smile. "Ok, let's go now!", said Ron. "Let me help you Ella!" Harry said grabbing my bag. "You don't have to Harry!", I told him politly. 'I want to!", Harry said with a pleading look.


Your probably angry like, It took her over a month to write this! I'm deeply sorry the next chapter will be better and I'll make the next chapter with two chapters in one! I WILL work it now! Soory for taking so long! I know its pitiful! Thanks for reading and ect! Thank you everyone one who keep saying updat and ect, cause you gys are insiration for me to get off my butt look for something I can use to update the story and write! Thanks agian everyone! Love you all!

-Miss Thing!<333

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