Book One Fire

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Chapter One: Departure

My story begins in Republic City.  Fourteen years Later I was moving out of the city to the Fire Nation To Begin My Training With Fire Lord Azumon Fire Lord Zuko great grandson I Was BestFriends With Fire Lord Azumon Son Zulin.

I kissed my grandma Goodby and told her I would miss her deeply she told me " Your Gonna Be A Extraordinary, Brave, Selfless Avatar I Just Know It"

Technology Has Improved Drastically Sense Korra Walked The Earth. Countless Things In Republic City Has Improved like The Transportation System's And Republic City Finally Got There First Airport. Made By Future Industries.  But Enough Of That Before I Traveled To The Fire Nation I Made A Stop At Air Temple Island.
(Republic City Police Gaurd) Are You Ready To Depart Sir? I Put My Lucky Hat On And Walked To My Limo.  Being the Avatar I was quite famous reporters Followed Me All Around The City. When I Arrived Master Janora Greeted Me With Open Arms. Master Janora Was Avatar Anng Grand Child Daughter Of Master Tenzin Avatar Anngs Son. (Master Janora) Aaron I'm so happy to see you. Where are your brother and sister I said . (Janora) " Oh off at the Eastern Air Temple Training the New Airbender's . Master Tenzin would be so proud of you. (Janora) I still can't believe after Korra opened the Spirit Portal they returned It's remarkable I wish Aang Was here to see it. Janora where's Jengue He's In the back playing with bison. (Janora) "Wait Before You Go Aaron I Have Something To Tell You The President Wants To Talk You Before You Leave.

I went off to greet my be love it Bagermole Jengue. (Jengue hops up in down When He Sees Aaron) Hey buddy have you been a good boy, yea your a good boy.( Aaron Scratches Jengue Fur Rubs Him All Over.  listen Boy I'm  Going To The Fire Nation I Will Be Back Soon. Ok I got to go bud be good and play nice with the bison. ( Walks Out Of Bison Play Area)

Zulin Has Been My BestFriend Sense I First Arrived In Republic City We First Met At The City Festival And We Always Stayed In Touch. Republic City Has Become The Jewel Of The World Sense Avatar Korra Died.  There Was Just So Much To Do From The Spirit Vines To The Brand New Spirit Portal That Avatar Korra Created From When She Battled Kovera The City is A Success. The President Had Some Urgent News  For Me.

( The President Office In Town Hall)
(President Sung) Avatar Aaron I have some terrible news the Southern Water Tribe is under attack. (Aaron) I have to get down there and stop them. (President Sung) You Can't Fight There's A Whole Army Down There. (Aaron) I can't just stand here and let a Nation get Attacked and possibly destroyed you know what happens when Nations refuse to Pledge as Black. Soon they'll be coming here, then what do you want me to do stay out of it then too I completely Refuse. (President Sung) I assure you it's handled I sent some United Forces War Ships down there and Some Fire Nation Troops are joining in too. Do I have your word you won't go down there at least till you learn Fire Bending? Yes

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