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Alex's POV
We got there and Y/N and the crew were already setting up the lights and cameras, make up artist were rushing Ren to the make up room to put on some light make up because apparently, Ren hates makeups especially those heavy ones and shit. I didn't have to put on any makeup since I know no shit about it so I grabbed two cups of coffee for Ren & I and waited for her. A few moments later, Ren walked out of the makeup room and I walked over to her.

"Here's your cup of coffee" I handed her the coffee. "Thanks Al!" She thanked me and took a sip out of it, enjoying the taste of that lil bitterness and sweetness of her coffee while her hair falls effortlessly over her shoulder. Isn't she just the most beautiful girl anyone had ever laid their eyes on?

Your POV
"Alex! Ren! Get your asses over here we're about to start!" I shouted loud enough just for them to hear me. "Pshhhh... look at Alex staring at Ren like she's in love or something" I whispered softly to one of my crew and he nodded, agreeing with me as he let out a chuckle.

"In 3! 2!"
You: "Good morning world and we're back to our usual interview with Ms "Resting Bitch Face" Alex & the ever so beautiful, Ms Ren! Also, if you stick until the end of this interview, we have a surprise footage for all of you viewers out there SO STICK AROUND!" I said with a wink at the end of my greetings. "So today, we'll be continuing where we stopped at during the previous interview and the first question would be— oh this one's for you Alex!" I stated

Alex: Aite hit me up!

You: First off, we would like to know if you had dated anyone, are you seeing anyone right now and well, mostly about your love life

Alex: well urm, I had never really dated anyone... I mean, I've been on a couple of dates but nothing too serious.

You: well ladies, you know who to go to if you need someone! Hahaha! So what bout seeing anyone? Are you seeing someone right now?

Alex: Well no. I have my eyes on this special someone and hopefully, she feels the same too y'know?

You: She'd be damned if she doesn't am I right?

Alex: You wouldn't know mate! Everyone would basically chase over her like she's a bloody trophy or some shit but I think she deserves to be treated just like every other human on this earth, but just a little more special when I do it. AND BEFORE YOU PEOPLE COME AT ME, BISH I WILL END YOUR LIFE BECAUSE I AIN'T SELF BRAGGING IM JUST EXPLAINING.

You: AITE CHILL ALEX! CALM THE SHIT DOWN BUDDY. This next question's for Ren. Ok so Ren, when was the last time did you and Louis interacted?

Ren: Urm... I honestly don't really remember. I think it was when we broke it off. He's a jerk who doesn't treat girls right.
So yeah!

You: I agree. By the way the both of you talk about him, he definitely doesn't seem like the go to type of guy y'know what I'm saying?

Alex & Ren: "Douchebag" "Yeah I get you"

You: So the third and last question is about this video that went viral and was and still is trending on YouTube. Did any of you watched it?

Ren: Huh? No idea what video you're talking about

You: Alex?

Alex: What? Urm no? What's up?

You: Well, I kind of have a little surprise for everyone, the viewers and the both of you. See, it's about this girl exposing or outing her best friend, I suppose? And it kinda sound like she was talking about you, Ren.

Ren: Me?

Alex: It's getting pretty late and I kind of have something to do so that's it for today guys! We'll see you again — don't forget to SUBSCRIBE AND GIVE US A THUMBS UP! Bye!

And cut!

Your POV
"What the shit bro? Why did you do that?" It came out harsh and I was furious already I swear you could lit up like fireworks if you're touching me right now.

Alex's POV
"What you're doing is going to be so wrong so shut the fuck up!" I screamed at Y/N. "Do you know the consequences? Have you even thought of it? No! Because all you fucking idiots care about are your viewers!" I stated making Y/N back the fuck off. She knows she's in the wrong yet she's trying to cross her boundaries!

Ren's POV
I have no idea what the shit is going on but it seems to me like they're hiding something from me because apparently I'm the only one who doesn't know what's going on. "CAN THE BOTH OF YOU JUST CUT IT?!" I cut them off and stepped in between the both of them to prevent any fight from taking place. I needed an explanation so "Can anyone tell me what exactly is going on right now?" I asked looking back and forth between them. The both of them looked at me, mouth hanging wide open — finding for the right words to say. I stormed off, knowing it kind of has something to do with me.

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