Love and happiness

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(L/c)- location chose to where Colby asked you out!
P/n-puppies name

It's been a 7 years since me and Colby got married. I hope he doesn't forget he forfeit last year. Sam nearly killed him it was pretty. Then Colby did something special the next day. By taking me to where he asked me out. It's was at (l/c) that was last year I can't wait to see what Colby does this year!

Note:It was in the hospital but whatever! Now it's at any place (y/n) wants! Is chose a spot where Colby ask you out!

I smile as Colby is in the pool with the kids. I hope Colby didn't forget again. If so Kate and Devon might kill him Along with Sam. I have to edit sam's video for the sam and colby channel. So I'm not a happy camper. I see our photo album of our wedding(you and Colby's). That was so long ago and I remember like it was yesterday.
I smile softly but I stop smiling. Maybe he did forget about our anniversary. Don't worry he didn't forget!

Yes I talk to myself why not? I sigh softly with a frown in my face. Next morning I wake up to a puppy licking my face. Wait.... I don't have a puppy. I sit up and see a note beside the bed.

Note-(pick your puppy what you want)

Happy anniversary (y/n)! I got you a puppy! I have to go record a video in the back yard. And then we can hang out!

I smile at the puppy and I pet the puppy. "gonna name you... how about (p/n)." (He/she) wags (her/his) tail with happiness. I smile at pet (him/her) so Kawaii. I love this dog already it reminds me the one that was left on the door. A while back I miss having a puppy. (P/n) goes under my covers I smile gently. I turn on the tv and watch (fav/tv show). I yawn slightly as i pet (p/n).

Atleast Colby didn't forget about our anniversary. Or is he cheating on me. Why else would he give me (p/n). I get up and walk out to Colby. I grab him by his ear and pull him inside. "Colby are you cheating me!" I yell at him with small tears in my eyes.

"I'm not cheating on you Y/n" he says gently as he hugs me tightly. I hug him back the kids runs down and hugs our legs. I kneel down with Colby as we hug the kids.

Sorry how short this chapter is.

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