“You look awful, Dan,” Phil hands me a cup and slides next to me, our elbows touching.
“And whose fault is that, Lester?” I scooch in closer, lie my head on his shoulder, and close my eyes. He kept me up all night by blowing up my phone with texts...again.
He lays his head on top of mine. “Sorry.”
“No you’re not.” The scent of raspberries fills my nose. I want to bury my face in his hoodie, but we’re still just friends...and in public.
“You’re right. I’m not.” I can feel his shoulders move from a slight laugh, and I can’t help but smile to myself. “You really do look awful though. Didn’t you sleep at all? I did.”
“I couldn’t stop thinking about you...two.” Fuck...I shouldn’t be talking when I’m this exhausted. “Great band. I was listening to them before I went to bed, and didn’t want to turn it off.”
“You’re an idiot, Dan.” I swear I could lie here forever. “I’m not doing anything today...do you wanna go take a nap and then maybe go somewhere later?”
“That sounds wonderful.” I don’t move. “Wait...I can’t go home. My brother probably has his dumb girlfriend over, and they’ll be....making noise. I don’t know why he can’t visit me alone...”
“Well then why don’t you come over to my house? It’s kind of lonely during the day anyway. We can just have a movie day or something...If that’s alright,” Phil trails off.
“You don’t mind?” I lift my head up slowly and meet his gaze. “Guess not.”
“Nine in the afternoon.”
“What?” he repeats.
“Your eyes are the size of the moon.” He still doesn’t get it. “Your eyes dilate when you love someone.”
Phil quickly looks at the ground, a slight blush forming on his cheeks. “Well, then.” He ignores me. “Let’s go.”
“Ha! I finally made you blush for a change!” Phil ignores me again and stands up, blushing redder. I stand up as he starts to walk away. I can still see the tips of his ears, bright red. I grab our bags and catch up with him, running ahead and throwing his at him.
He juggles it dramatically, failing and letting it fall to the floor. He picks it up, now even redder than his own hoodie. He slings his bag over his shoulder, then mutters, “Asshole.”
I feign a gasp. “Phillip! I thought you didn’t swear!”
I think all of the blood from his entire body has moved to his face. “Well, I blame you. You need to wash your mouth out with soap, mister. I think it’s going to rain. Wanna grab a cab?”
“Phil. The SUN is out. You just want to get home quicker.”
“All the blushing is making me light headed.” He starts to twirl the string on his hoodie.
“The blushing, riiiiight.”
“Shut up!” Phil smiles, and I know he doesn’t mean it. “So can we?”
“I hate walking.”
He manages to get a cab and crawls in the back as fast as he can. He tells the man his address, then stares out the window, his face slowly returning to normal. He’s still twirling the string, but his other hand is out in the open.
Phil almost never blinks, I’ve noticed. Even now, looking at the world flashing in front of his eyes, they’re wide open. I get the feeling that he loves life in general and doesn’t want to miss anything. So he doesn’t blink. Either that or a fear of angels.
I slide my hand closer to his, slowly. I still haven’t had the courage to tell him how I felt, and since we’re alone but not alone...If something goes wrong it will be less awkward. Another centimeter. ‘Come on, Dan. Just do it.’ I slide my fingers under his palm, grabbing his hand entirely. He doesn’t pull away...thank god. I look away from my hand, not even realizing I had been watching it, and stare at Phil. He hasn’t moved, but the corners of his mouth are turned up slightly.
My mind suddenly flashes back to the first day we properly talked. I pulled away because I was afraid... Shit, I still am. But I can’t unhold his hand now...
“Here we are, Dan.” The cab stops, and I’ve never been more glad to be anywhere in my life.
I climb out as Phil pays the driver, then stick my hands in my pockets and look at the building before me. Phil looks disappointed... “So, uh...which one’s yours?”
“Way up there, tenth floor. And the lift is broken,” he replies.
“Carry me?”
He smiles and his cheeks tinge pink. “Only cuz it’s you.”

The Boy From The Coffee Shop (A Phan Fic)
FanfictionThe final chapter, a glimpse into Phil's life since the breakup. Thank you to everyone who's read up to this point and everyone who's left comments. Please don't hate me for this chapter <3