Chapter 7

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Blue tried to get up but the wolf was too strong. It bared its teeth at him; they were sharp and dangerous. Blue flattened his ears. He knew he couldn't beat these wolves. "So, who are you and why are you on our territory?" Growled one of them.

"W-we were trying to find the human's pathway, we weren't going to cause any harm." Blue stammered. "Well, you aren't going anywhere until you talk to the Alpha! All of you, don't let them out of your sight!" The wolf then dashed down through the fronds.

The wolf let Blue up and he shook his fur. His heart pounded. What was going to happen to them? He looked over at Cloud, who was snarling at another wolf. But she was hit in the face by a claw and she turned around to walk beside Blue.

"Someone is going to notice it's me at some point!" She whispered. But then she was hit on the muzzle again, "shush! Prisoners do not talk!" Cloud rolled her eyes as they kept walking.

Soon a clearing was in sight. They walked in to see pairs of eyes staring at them. Suddenly, a large black wolf howled on top of a rock. "So Dust, are these the wolves you found?" His voice was deep but calm.

"Yes, Alpha Midnight. We found them on our territory." Dust growled. Midnight looked down at them, "who are you and why are you on our territory?"

Blue stepped forward, "we were only going to find the human's pathway. We didn't mean any harm." His voice was full of fear. The alpha looked at him then at Cloud. "Did you see anything else, Dust?"

The sandy coloured wolf looked up at her leader. "Yes, we saw them trying to hunt on our territory. That is when we attacked." All the other wolves gasped. "We must keep them prisoners! They were trespassing and hunting on our territory!" Shouted one. "We should send them to battle every day and see how they like it!" Yelled another.

Midnight growled gently for silence. "I will speak to Beta Dust before we make any decisions. Sparrow, Sand. Take them to Omega Jet's den." Two wolves then nodded their heads as they were lead to a dark cave.

Inside there was a small pool of water and a half-eaten sparrow. A voice was heard in the darkness, "hello Sparrow and Sand. Who have you brought?" The voice sounded kind. "Jet, these are prisoners. Do not let them out of your sight."

"Why did Midnight send them to me? He knows I'm blind!" Suddenly, her voice turned to a snarl. But the two wolves had walked away back into the clearing. Blue could only see Jet's cloudy eyes. Cloud's pelt had turned grey in the darkness. 

"You may already know that I am Jet, the Omega of the Night Pack." Blue nodded, "yes, we have. I am Blue and this is Cloud." Jet then looked at Cloud, "you know, we used to have a wolf called Cloud here at the Night Pack. She was my best friend as a pup. But then she got attacked by a bear as well as her father. Her mother was never happy after that day."

Blue could see Cloud tense. She knew that Jet was talking about her. "Cloud was a fine she-wolf, always looking out for her pack. Whenever there was a threat, she was there." Blue drooped his head, "I'm sorry for your loss. She must of been a great wolf." Cloud looked over at him, the fury burning in her eyes.

"Yes, she was a great wolf. Even Midnight was sad. He had always liked her as a friend. He was close to choosing her as the Beta Wolf." Cloud's eyes widened with amazement.

Suddenly, Dust's voice was heard echoing down the cave. "Midnight is ready to see you."

Blue and Cloud said goodbye to Jet and then padded back into the clearing. Dust beckoned them to sit beside her. Midnight sat at the top of the rock, looking down on his wolves.

"Today, one of our patrols found two wolves wandering on our territory and trying to steal our food. Since it is coming to Winter, we cannot let this happen. And because of this, they shall stay here until next Spring."

Blue looked around the clearing. Some wolves looked angry, some were happy with this decision. Midnight then continued. "But of course, they shall live like any other prisoner of ours. Night Pack, dismissed." He then jumped off the rock and walked over to Blue and Cloud.

"I will escort you to your den." Midnight announced. Blue and Cloud followed the older black wolf to a small den. It was made with sticks, vines, fronds and brambles, with a small gap to squeeze in.

"This is the prisoner's den. It's not much, but it will do. Both of you can hopefully fit in. One of our wolves will get you something to eat." Blue and Cloud nodded politely as they slipped into their den.

It was hard to move, but they didn't mind. Then, Sparrow came over with some fresh prey. He had a scrawny shrew and a vole. He set them into the two wolves. "Here you go, make yourself comfortable. If I could, I would help you. But I have to follow orders. I hope you will find it alright here. You get some sleep, since you will have to go hunting tomorrow at Dawn."

Sparrow then left as they settled down. Cloud kept on fidgeting, "Blue, do you think that someone will find out that it is me?" She asked. Blue looked up at her, "we will never know. But hopefully not. Now let's eat, then go to sleep."

He gently licked her ear then took a bite at the vole. He eat quickly, then drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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