Chapter Eleven

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Beautifully made graphic made by my friend, Ly! ♥ Anyone who can tell me where the quote is from will get next chapter dedication :) 

Hint: It's not in this book :) 

I really feel like this chapter is horrid, so if you think so too, feel free to tell me! :) 

Special shoutout to Ly, for helping me find the perfect wedding ceremony song for Calder and Kim and for being my beta fish ♥ 

Chapter Eleven

• Calder •

I peered at the highly structured clock tower that had been erected this morning. The second hand ticked agonizingly slow. All around me Keepers shuffled in through the open French doors, filing down the aisle and taking their selected seats dressed in tailored suits and elegantly made one of a kind dresses.

There was a girl excitedly waving from inside the castle, a wide smile spread on her lips. On close examination, I noted that it was Lydia – her hair elegantly braided down her back in a side pony tail with white flowers weaved through the tresses. I gave her a small wave and smiled. Contented, Lydia pulled back the curtains and retreated into the confines of the room.

I found myself searching for the slightest trace of Kimberly, but had no luck. There was a bouquet of violets neatly arranged on a small waist length pillar next to me. The smell alone reminded me of her, filling me with a burning desire to see her. Now.

Patience may be a virtue, but it sure as hell wasn’t one of mine.

Especially at a moment like this; counting down the seconds I would see my love.

I fiddled with my black silk tie. It felt like a snake (a very expensive snake) was constraining my neck in a vice. I just wanted to get rid of it. Throwing it into the fountain behind me would give me great satisfaction. The tie would sink to the very bottom, a black speck in the crystalline blue water.

A low chuckle from beside me garnered my attention. “Why are you laughing?”

Gabriel let out another low rumble, his usual expression glinting with amusement.

“You’re going to suffer from a hemorrhage if you keep thinking about the time.”

I glowered at him. His eyes danced with amusement as he braced my shoulder. “Lighten up. Smile. People are going to think that this is the worst day of your life instead of the happiest one.”

He was right. It couldn’t hurt to smile, right? I plastered on a grin and he exclaimed, “That a boy! Well done, chap.”

A pinched the bridge of my nose and shook my head at his awful interpretation of a British accent. His laughed rumbled with a high spirits and I joined in, unable to keep the laughter within. Nole and Lucas shared a look, shrugging, but also unable to contain the smile that broke their faces.

“Hey, guys.”

Our laughter slowly diffused as our attention turned to Andy, dressed in a purple dress that flowed freely down to her feet.

Gabriel cleared his throat, his mouth slightly parted, eyes taking in the girl in front of us. Andy looked down at the ground, a blush staining her porcelain cheeks. I looked at Nole and he shrugged, raising his eyebrow in a I-Don’t-Know-What’s-Gotten-Into-Him look.

All the laughter died in Lucas’ eyes, replaced with awe as he stared at Andy like newly forged steel. Not a second later did his face transform, his green eyes flickering from Andy to Gabe; realization apparent in the tight set of his jaw.

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