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Get another bottle down, take another sip 

Eyes are blurred, senses numb I'm starting to slip 

But I guess as a sinner its expected of me 

When I've dug myself a grave that's already this deep 

Oh woe is me, woe is you, pity all around 

Alot of good it ever does, just another hole in the ground 

But if you want to bury me here, you better bury me deep 

And take a look inside a mirror because you're no different than me 

Dig a hole, stand inside, see just how it fits 

I'm done with tears, done with blood, just so tired of this 

In a way it's a wonder I ever made it this far 

When I've been buried by my loved ones, and you know who you are

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2014 ⏰

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