The cold air was warm to my skin. Lying in the castle that I constructed with ice had lifted a weight off my shoulders that I could not explain. Getting that uncomfortable dress off and replacing it with a lightweight blue dress felt amazing beyond comparison. My hair was no longer in a tight, proper up-do. It was now in a loose braid that I usually wore when I slept.
No one could see me. No one could hear me. No one could be hurt because of me.
And for that, no one would care. They would continue on with their lives even though I was gone. Anna would probably marry that price that she apparently had so much in common with. And she would be happy. Everyone would be happy without me.
A gust of wind startled me from my thoughts. The icy air shot at me through the large double doors, and it took more than a lot of force to close them.
After finishing the task, I slouched on the floor again. I never knew it could be this easy to breath. I never knew what it was like to not having to worry about being good enough, to appease everyone's thoughts. And most importantly, I had a smile on my face that was real. It was not plastered on like it would be at any event, nor any day. It was the first real smile I had since the day Anna was almost killed.
"Oh, now here's a lonesome little dove feeling sorry for herself. Humanity at its finest." A loud voice startled me out of my contentment.
I jumped up and spun around to the direction of the sound.
I now faced a boy hardly older than myself staring at me in confusion. His skin was pale, paler than even my own, and his white hair contrasted oddly with his blue eyes, in fact, the only thing that was not blue or white was a brown staff that he held. He was different to say the least. Everyone that I had seen with white hair like that was elderly...
Anna's streak. I made that happen. It was my fault that she was teased because of it. It didn't matter that she didn't care, because I cared for her.
I felt tears threatening to escape my eyes once again, but I held then back with all of my will.
Realizing that I was in the company of someone again, probably another one of the commoners, I put my shoulders back and straitened out my face.
"This area is off-limits to commoners," I said surprising smoothly.
He furrowed his brow. "Wait... You can see me?"
What? I rolled my eyes. "Obviously, or else I would not be talking to you."
He stood there in shock. "This is amazing! Finally! I can't believe after all this time that someone knows what I look like, talk-"
"...Right. Now please keep your thoughts to yourself and make your way out of my home."
"Your home? Last I checked, this spot was an area for wilderness creatures to run around. Now I guess your giant castle takes up all the space."
"And why would I take orders from you...?"
"Do you know to whom you are speaking?" I was annoyed with this trespasser.
"Not exactly."
"Queen Elsa of Aerindale," I said dryly. "Maybe if you paid attention to current events you would know."
"Oh, my apologies, 'your highness,' but if I recall, Aerindale's that way," Jack pointed South through the valley towards the bay.
"I'm on... vacation." I bit my lip. I was a good liar because of all the practice I have had, but for some reason my usual façade was failing me today.

Elsa and Jack Frost
FanfictionConceal, don't feel. That's what Elsa had been taught almost her whole life. She remembers that day, that day when she struck her sister Anna with her magic and almost killed her. If it wasn't for the trolls she would not be alive. But the magic? It...