Chapter 14

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Guys! We've got 1,000 reads!!!! I'm so happy right now. I was at an amusement park, logged on, and then looked and I had 1k reads. I legit screamed and my friends thought something was wrong with me. But thank you all for helping me reach this goal.

Hope sat in the stands in shock. Next to her, Janessa let out a loud scream as she realized what had happened to the boy who acted as her brother, when her's couldn't. Juliane watched the two girls. Hope was sitting stock still, her eyes wide and her face pale. Janessa was screaming and sobbing into Lee Jordan's jumper. Alex had a hand over her mouth, silent tears streaming down her face as Fred and George attempted to comfort her. Hope was the first person to snap out of her daze, and she raced down to the pitch and clutched Cedric's body. Tears rolled down her face as she sobbed into his jumper. The same jumper Hope had made him wear, forcing him to stay warm in the maze. Juliane got up out of her seat. It was as if it was something from a movie. Everything felt as if everything was moving in slow motion. She made her way down to the pitch to Hope, and gathered the girl into her arms, holding her close. Hope put her hand on Cedric's chest, clutching his jumper in her hand. Harmony watched on with tears falling down her face, and Harry stood with his arms around Hope, silently watching. Juliane was crying with Hope as she sobbed into Juliane's chest. "My boy! My Boy! What's happened to my boy!" Amos exclaimed. It was the strangest thing that anyone had ever seen. All of Hope's emotions came out in that moment. All the sadness seemed to take over her body. A golden light glowed on Hope's hand. It traveled in snake, like tendrils to Cedric's chest and wrapped around his body. He was lifted up off the ground as his body lay limp in the air. 

"What are you doing Hope?" Juliane asked. 

"I-I don't know!" Hope exclaimed, her eyes dry as she watched her friend be lifted into the night sky. After a while, he lay back down on the ground. Nothing happened. The crowd was whispering to themselves and others. 

'What's happening?' 

'What's going on?' 

'Is he dead?'

'What did Hope Potter do?' Hope ignored all the people talking and just stared at Cedric. 

"Hope? What's going on?" Juliane asked. 

"I-I can f-feel his heartbeat." Hope whimpered. Juliane looked down at the girl, who stared back with golden eyes. It was like in the corridor. The ground beneath her cracked. Cedric's finger twitched. Juliane's eyes widened. 

"What's going on?" She whispered. The pitch was suddenly deadly silent except for Janessa's crying. There was a loud coughing from the middle of the circle that was formed around Cedric. Bill craned his neck, trying to see in the circle. Hope pulled away from Juliane and sat beside Cedric. The same golden light glowed through her palms. This time, it didn't stop. Cedric rose up again, and this time, sat up and took a breath. Hope smiled as she looked at Cedric. 

"Welcome back Ced." She said before collapsing. Juliane caught her before her head hit the ground. Cedric looked around. 

"But aren't I dead?" He asked. Alastor Moody took Harry and Harmony away. 

"Hope did something. She brought you back to life." Juliane said, looking down at Hope. 

"How is that even possible?" Cedric asked. 

"We don't know." Bill said, coming over. "But we intend to figure it out." Juliane carried Hope to the hospital wing, and set her down on a cot. 

"Bill, can we go for a walk?" Juliane asked. Bill nodded and stood up. They walked down the corridor in silence for a little while. 

"What's wrong Little Anne?" Bill asked. 

"Hope. She has this power. I can't explain it. She brought Cedric back to life Bill. She said she could feel his heartbeat." Juliane said, looking over worriedly. "That's a lot for a girl her age." 

"What do you mean?" Bill asked. 

"She's only sixteen and she's constantly looking after Harry and Harmony, has to focus on school, and now this strange power. It's too much pressure for her to take on. Hope is like a little sister to me, I care for her, and I'm worried that she's going to loose herself from everything going on." Juliane explained softly. 

"Why don't we take her with us for the summer. She can relax at Gringotts and not have to worry about all of the things going on in her life." Bill suggested. 

"Do you think she would like that?" Juliane questioned. 

"I think, she'll love coming, and staying over with us. I think that she'll be happy for the break, to get away from those muggles and stay with us  for a little while." Bill said, turning to face her. 

"Let's do it. Let's bring Hope to Gringotts." Juliane smiled, leaning in to give Bill a kiss. "And thank you." 

"For what?" Bill asked, knowing that Juliane wasn't talking about just taking Hope with them to Gringotts. 

"For everything. For being my first friend, for convincing your parents to take me in when I was living in an orphanage, for-" Bill cut her off by 

"I'll do anything for you. Je t'aimerai jusqu'à mon dernier souffle" Bill said, softly pulling her to him. The two stood in the corridor for a while more before walking back to the hospital wing. Hope was laying in her bed, talking with Cedric, Alex, and Janessa. A bright smile was placed upon her face. She turned around and faced Juliane and Bill as they walked by the bed. 

"Hey!" Hope said, sitting up. 

"Hey, so me and Bill were talking about this summer." Juliane started.

"I was talking to Harry and Harmony about that earlier." Hope said, her smile fading slightly. 

"Well, we want you to spend some time with us this summer. At Gringotts." Juliane said. 

"Really?! That would be amazing! I would love going!" Hope said excitedly. 

"Y-You do?" Juliane said, surprised. 

"Of course! That sounds like so much fun!" Hope chattered on about how much fun she would have. "But, how am I going to tell Harry and Harmony?" 

"Hope, don't worry about your siblings. You need to enjoy yourself. That's why I want you to come with us. So you can have fun." Juliane said, sitting down. 

"I know. They're growing up, and I need to accept that. But it's hard you know? Harry and Harmony are constantly in danger and now that Voldemort's back, they are in even more danger from him." Hope bit her lower lip in thought. 

"Take a break Hope. You deserve it. Harry and Harmony can live without you for half the summer. Then you can go back to your crazy lifestyle." Juliane promised with a teasing smile. 

"Alright then." Hope agreed.

"We need to go, but we'll see you in a few weeks on the platform." Juliane and Bill gave the girl a final hug before leaving the hospital wing. "Now, to go to Dumbledore." 

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