2: You don't date!?

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"Come in!" She said with a big smile. "Nobody's home so don't worry." She laughed a bit. She knew that I was nervous. "So let's go upstairs and start." She was always so bubbly and sweet. "Okay."

"So that's how the Americans got their freedom." I explained to her. "You can explain it so well! I totally get it now." I was sitting on one of her stools awkwardly. "Do you date?" I laughed. "Me? Dating? No that will never happen." "You never even flirt!?" She seemed to be shocked, I have no idea why. "Nope." I popped the p. "But you're nice." This made me blush a bit. She thought I was nice omg. "I am socially awkward, nobody wants me." "We could change that." "How?" "Well, I can give you an inner and outer make over. So you will be brand new and ready to get it on." She said the last few words like a weird rapper. Pretty genious. "I fine with it." "Yaay" She smiled.

"Girls love sweet guys, but they need some confidence. Don't be a pussy and try to stand up straight and walk a bit more confident." I did as she said. "Oh god no. You're really bad at this." She chuckled. "Sorry." I said. "There's no need to say sorry! Try it again."

"Now you have to wear some better clothes. Don't always wear sweaters. I'll pick some things out for you." She walked into the store and pulled me with her. When she found everything she send me to the fitting room. The first thing I tried on were some black jeans with a ramones tee shirt. "Oh my god! You have to get this! Amazing! Next." When I came out the second time I was wearing a demin jacket with a white tee shirt, jeans and nikes. She put her thumb up.

***30 minutes later***

"I have to try on a suit?" I said to her. "Yes now hurry." Finally having it on I walked out doing my confident walk, to be honest I did really well. "And?" I asked her when she didn't say anything. "Damn boy, you're officially hot." Those words were the words I had been waiting for for 2 years.

I was walking out of the store with four full bags. I don't I have ever bought that many clothes in a store, not even a day. "Thank you for everything." I said to her. "No problem." She grabbed me in a small hug. Oh my god she smells good. "I'll see you in the library tomorrow then?" I nodded and waved her goodbye. This day was perfect.

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