I dare you..

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Candice POV

"Taylor I don't want to watch this!" I complained.

"Watch what?" Cameron asks as he walks in.

"The grudge it's the worst movie ever and Taylor is making me watch it." I stated. "Is everyone back or just you?"

"Just me, there all at the beach. Let's watch it I've never seen it." Cam said plopping next to me.

"Fine, but just this once." I point at Taylor then Cam.

I scooted up to Cam and cuddled into his chest.

We are about half way through and this is the worst part, I find myself hugging cam as I hide my face into his shoulder. He comforts me and puts his strong arms around me.

I feel much better.

The movie is finally over and cam and Taylor are sleeping. I decide to join them so I turn off the tv and close the blinds so it's dark in the room. I snuggle close to Cam and fall into a deep sleep.


"Get it!" Mandy woke us all up as she barged in the room. "Why is bandanna guy in my bed?" She asked going over there and pushing him off.

"Bandanna guy?" He asked with a confused expression.

"If he's bandana guy then what am I?" I asked Mandy.

"Confused." Mandy answered.

"What about me?" Cam joined our conversation.

"That's easy you're.. Hot!" She yelled.

"Püma." I snapped my fingers.

"Taylor fell asleep again on the ground." Mandy observed.

"Let's leave him." I spoke as I stood up and walked over to my suitcase, I grabbed the same outfit I was wearing earlier the high low dress and combat boots.

"Do you guys want to go to the mall? I heard Tyler the creator is performing today?" Cam asked as I walked out of the bathroom fully clothed.

"YES!!" I screamed "I love Tyler! he's my nigga!"

(--- A/N sorry if I offend anyone by saying that if it bothers yew you might as well leave now toodles ---)

"We have to leave now then if we want to meet him and all that jazz." Cam went on.

I took 5 minutes to fix my makeup and hair from earlier today, and with that we left to the mall.

When we arrived we spotted Carter and Matt. "Why didn't you guys invite us?" Mandy complained to them.

"We thought you wouldn't like Tyler." Matt shrugged.

I saw Tyler on the other side of the hall thing picking from 5 hats. He chose an ugly green one. Nope that's wrong.

"Wear that one." I walked up to him and pointed at one.

"Why green is my colour!" He laughed.

"I know but you're shirt is Orange with a cat on it and that's green with reckless on it, that just doesn't match." I stated.

"Kay fine." He chuckled and switched hats.

"Great thanks. I have to go back to my friends it was nice meeting you Tyler!" We fist bumped and I spun around starting to walk away.

"Nice meeting you Candice!" He called out to me.


"How did you know my name?" I asked looking back at him.

"You're the funny, kind, sexy viner." He laughed. "You're here with a ton of other viners also there staring at us." He chuckled pointing behind me.

I looked back and Matt, Cameron , Carter, Mandy and Taylor were all staring at us smirking. Except Cam looked down when he noticed I saw them.

"Look do you want to meet them I know they all love you." I spoke grabbing his arm.

"Fuck yes, but after the meet and greats." He smiled.

"What about the show don't you have to do that?" I asked.

"We already did you're a little late." He laughed and was pulled away by taco his best friend.

"What was that?" Taylor asked as they all came up behind me.

"I just met Tyler!" I fangirled.

"Why didn't you let us meet him?" Carter complained.

"Oh yeah he said he would meet you guys after the meet and greet." I smiled.

"So do we just meet him back here?" Taylor asked.

"I guess." I shrugged.

-time skip back at the hotel-

I was following a bunch of fans on Twitter when there was a knock on the door.

"It's open!" I shouted feeling extra lazy so I couldn't get the door.

"Hayyyyy!!" Taylor screeched jumping on my bed next to me.

"Why do you keep coming in here?" I giggled.

"No one is here except you and Cameron and cams in the shower." He stated.

"So you had to bother me?" I asked.

"Yes but don't worry I told cam to come in here when he's done." He smiled.

"Okay so what do you want to do till then?" I asked.

"You want to see all my bandannas?!" He asked.

"Sure why not. but go get them and bring them in here I'm feeling lazy." I giggled.

"Kay Kay hot stuff." He joked.

About 2 minutes later Taylor came back in my room with a redish Orange and Gray duffel bag. He sits on the floor and unzips the bag tips it over and a billion bandannas fall out.

He goes through all of them tells me where he got it and why it's special. It's been like 40 minutes where the fuck is Cam!

As if on cue Cameron walks in the door. "Taylor stop torturing the poor girl! No one cares that you're granny got you half of those bandannas!" He laughs.

"Cameron truth or dare!" I change the subject.

"Dare!" He yells.

I think for a while and I know the perfect dare. " I dare you to lick Taylor's foot!" I say making Taylor laugh.

"Fuck no that's for queers." Taylor says still laughing.

"Well I don't see you coming up with anything better." I fold my arms.

"I got it! Cameron she dares you to kiss her." He laughs.

"Easy peasy." I laugh and look at cam.

He's blushing like crazy and looking in my eyes. I smile and so dose he. I lean in and so dose he we almost lock lips when Taylor screams "For 3 minutes!" I look at him and laugh.

I turn back to Cam a little worried. I don't really feel comfortable marking out with cam for 3 minutes in from of his best friend and my good friend.

"You don't have to.." He whispers.

I forget all about Taylor and quickly lay my lips on cams. He's taken aback but kisses back as soon as he knows what going on.

We were just kissing when he deepens the kiss, He lays his hand on my cheek and licks my bottom lip wanting more. I gladly let him when Taylor clears his throat.

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